выборка | описание |
Queen`s colour
- Queen's colour штандарт королевы...
the Queen dowager
- the Queen dowager вдовствующая королева...
Q.C. Queen`s Counsel noun
- Q.C. Queen's Counsel noun королевский адвокат...
Qu Queen noun
- Qu Queen noun королева...
enthrone v.
- enthrone v. возводить на престол to be enthroned in the hearts - царить в сердцах...
see into
- see into а) вникать в, рассматривать; разбираться в чем-л. When are you going to see into the customers' complaints? The police have promised to see into the disappearance of the jewellery. б) всматриваться, проникать взором во что-л. The old woman claims to be able to see into the future. I wish I had the gift of seeing into people's hearts as you do....
steal away
- steal away а) незаметно ускользнуть; Jim stole away without anyone seeing him; б) взять без разрешения; I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts...
rise 2. v.
- rise 2. v. 5) возрастать, увеличиваться, усиливаться; the wind rises - ветер усиливается; her colour rose - она покраснела; Fear rose up in their hearts as the enemy came near....
bleed for
- bleed for а) сочувствовать Our hearts bleed for you in your sorrow. б) сочувствовать iron. I'll have to get up early to catch the train tomorrow. My heart bleeds for you. I have to do that every morning! в) выудить деньги у кого-л. The men who took his son bled the father for L20,000....
salute 2. v.
- salute 2. v. 2) салютовать; The Queen's birthday was saluted with twenty-one guns....
rule 2. v.
- rule 2. v. 1) управлять, править, властвовать; руководить; господствовать; Queen Victoria ruled over the British Empire for more than 60 years....
elevate v.
- elevate v. 2) повышать (по службе) (to) The Queen rewarded the Minister for years of faithful service by elevating him to the House of Lords....
union noun
- union noun 5) брачный союз - union of hearts...
prefer v.
- prefer v. 2) повышать (в чине); продвигать (по службе); The Queen has agreed to prefer the Minister to a seat in the House of Lords....
crown 2. v.
- crown 2. v. 1) венчать; короновать (with) The Queen was crowned with a crown formerly worn by an ancient king....
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