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    hinder II v. 
    • hinder II v. 2) быть помехой (from) Your endless talking hinders me from my work; please be quiet! Syn: encumber, hamper, impede, obstruct Ant: encourage, impel, quicken, spur...

    lead out of 
    • lead out of а) выходить, выводить Road signs lead the traffic out of the city. б) воодушевлять, вовлекать в разговор; Mary's very quiet; will you look after her at the party and try to lead her out a little?...

    concentrate 2. v. 
    • concentrate 2. v. 1) сосредоточивать(ся); концентрировать(ся), (on/upon - на чем-л.; at - где-л.) When the enemy's ships are all concentrated at the entrance to the harbour, it must mean trouble. We must concentrate our efforts on finding ways to reduce costs. Please be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate on my work....

    die down 
    • die down а) увядать The bushes may have died down in this cold autumn but they will grow again next spring. б) падать в обморок в) замирать (о звуке) The fire is dying down, put some more wood on! The wind died down at last and all was quiet. When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place....

    spur 2. v. 
    • spur 2. v. 4) спешить, мчаться (тж. spur on, spur forward) to spur a willing horse - подгонять, понукать и без того добросовестного работника Syn: goad, nag, needle, sting Ant: palliate, quell, quiet, stop, subdue...

    read I 2. noun 
    • read I 2. noun чтение; время, проведенное в чтении; to have a quiet read - почитать в тишине...

    silent adj. 
    • silent adj. 6) бесшумный, тихий silent partner - см. partner 1. 2) the silent service coll. - подводный флот Syn: noiseless, quiet, still Ant: loud, talkative...

    frighten v. 
    • frighten v. пугать - frighten away - frighten into - frighten off - frighten out of Syn: scare, startle, terrify Ant: calm, comfort, quiet, soothe, tranquillize frighten away спугнуть Keep still, or you'll frighten the rabbit away....

    wake I 1. v. 
    • wake I 1. v. 2) будить (тж. wake up); Be quiet, your father's asleep: don't wake him up....

    nose 2. v. 
    • nose 2. v. 6) совать (свой) нос (into); I don't want our neighbour nosing into out affairs, so keep quiet about our plans. - nose about - nose on - nose out - nose over - nose up nose about вынюхивать, выведывать; That policeman should not be nosing about in our garage without a court order....

    burst on 
    • burst on а) спешно прерывать кого-л. We were having a nice quiet meal outdoors when the boys burst upon the scene, shouting and fooling about. б) неожиданно открывать, обнаруживать что-л. In the middle of his tests the scientist burst on the truth. в) неожиданно становиться известным Just then the meaning of what had been said burst upon him, and he knew that he had been right....

    life noun; pl. lives 
    • life noun; pl. lives 2) образ жизни; to lead a quiet life - вести спокойную жизнь; - stirring life - life of movement...

    fetch out 
    • fetch out а) выявлять; выделять; оттенять б) показывать, делать видимым Jane never fetches out her best dishes even when guests arrive. The warm sun fetched the flowers out. в) развивать The teacher helped to fetch out the meaning of the poem. г) создавать Tom has fetched out another new book. д) подбадривать Mary is very quiet, try to fetch her out at the party. е) бастовать; вызывать забастовку We'll fetch the workers out for more pay....

    noise 1. noun 
    • noise 1. noun 4) помеха, помехи; - atmospheric noise - big noise to be a lot of noise amer. быть болтуном, пустомелей to make a noise in the world производить сенсацию; быть у всех на устах Syn: blare, clamour, clatter, din, hubbub, racket, sound, uproar Ant: calm, hush, quiet, silence, tranquillity...

    compare with 
    • compare with уподоблять Social life in a village cannot compare with that of a large city. But for peace and quiet, city life can't compare with life in the country...

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