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    insolvent 2. adj. 
    • insolvent 2. adj. несостоятельный; неплатежеспособный Syn: bankrupt, broke, impecunious Ant: affluent, flush, loaded, prosperous, rich, solvent, wealthy, well-to-do...

    partner 2. v. 
    • partner 2. v. 2) делать (чьим-л.) партнером; ставить в пару (с кем-л.) (with); The lady of the house had no difficulty in partnering off her attractive daughter with a rich young man....

    penniless adj. 
    • penniless adj. 2) нуждающийся; бедный Syn: destitute, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken Ant: affluent, moneyed, opulent, rich, wealthy, well-heeled...

    break with по 
    • break with по рывать с кем-л., чем-л. When he became rich, he broke with his former friends. As you grow wiser, you should break with your old ideas....

    gorge 2. v. 
    • gorge 2. v. 1) жадно есть, объедаться (on/with) Every Christmas, people gorge (themselves) on rich food that they can't afford, and then complain about large bills and stomach troubles!...

    bring out in 
    • bring out in вызывать (какое-л. состояние) Eating all that rich food has brought Jane out in spots as usual. Don't mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper....

    bless v. 
    • bless v. 3) делать счастливым, осчастливливать (with - чем) I have never been a rich man, but I have always been blessed with good health. In his old age, the king was blessed with three fine daughters....

    wealthy adj. 
    • wealthy adj. 2) изобилующий, обильный (in); language wealthy in nuances - выразительный язык Syn: affluent, flush, loaded, opulent, prosperous, rich, successful Ant: destitute, insolvent, penurious, poor...

    cast away 
    • cast away а) отбрасывать; отвергать; порывать с кем-л. When he grew rich, he cast away his old friends. б) to be cast away потерпеть крушение The sailors were cast away on a desert island....

    make-up noun 
    • make-up noun 1) грим; косметика; she had a rich make-up - она была сильно накрашена...

    hoard I 2. v. 
    • hoard I 2. v. запасать; копить, накоплять, хранить (часто hoard up); тайно хранить During the war it was unlawful in Britain to hoard up tins of food. Many people got rich by hoarding up gold until the price had risen more than ten times. Syn: see accumulate...

    deceive v. 
    • deceive v. обманывать; вводить в заблуждение (into - в чем-л.; with - чем-л.) The clever salesman deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business, by telling her that she would get rich. Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive the public with false claims. - deceive oneself - be deceived in Syn: see trick...

    fling aside 
    • fling aside а) отвергнуть, пренебречь Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university. These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly. б) отказаться Once he got rich, he flung aside his old friends. Henry joined the opposing political party, flinging aside his former loyalties....

    delude v. 
    • delude v. вводить в заблуждение (into), обманывать We have been deluded into false hopes by the government's meaningless promises. The clever salesman deluded the old lady into thinking that she would get rich if she lent him her money for his business. to delude oneself - заблуждаться; обманывать себя Syn: see trick...

    point up 
    • point up а) заострять, придавать остроту, усиливать; The writer has pointed up his story with an effective use of local scenery. Recent world figures of average incomes point up the ever-widening distance between rich and poor nations. б) делать грубым, шероховатым; This wall should be pointed up, it will help to make the cement stick....

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