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    qualify v. 
    • qualify v. 6) зарабатывать; If that boy goes on behaving like that, he'll qualify for severe punishment....

    cut off 
    • cut off а) обрезать, отсекать; прерывать operator, I have been cut off послушайте, станция, нас разъединили б) приводить к ранней смерти The soldier was cut off in his youth. в) отрезать (отступление) The army was cut off from its supplies. Last night's severe snowstorm cut off three villages. г) выключать (электричество, воду, газ и т.п.) The electricity supply will be cut off if we don't pay our bill....

    part 1. noun 
    • part 1. noun 4) часть тела, член, орган; the (privy) parts - половые органы; It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot....

    severely adv. 
    • severely adv. строго и пр. [см. severe ]; to leave/let severely alone - оставить без внимания в знак неодобрения; joc. оставить в покое (что-л. трудное)...

    slacken off 
    • slacken off а) ослаблять, отпускать, распускать Slacken off those ropes there, there's a storm coming! б) уменьшаться; становиться менее активным House sales usually slacken off during our severe winters. The students tend to slacken off after the first few weeks when their interest is new....

    slow down 
    • slow down а) снижать скорость The severe snowstorm has slowed the traffic down. б) снизить темп жизни, жить более спокойно The doctor advised Jim to slow up for a time, to give his heart a chance. в) уменьшать, замедлять The factory has had to slow down production....

    come next 
    • come next а) следовать (во времени) Who came next after that king? Mrs Brown was the first to arrive, and her daughter came next. б) быть результатом Everyone moved to the cities looking for work, and the severe lack of housing came next. The military government refused to allow the people their right to vote, what came next was violence and lawlessness. в) быть следующим пунктом действий I've finished that little job. what comes next? г) иметь меньшее значение, чем что-л. My family come first, and my work comes next....

    rating II noun 
    • rating II noun выговор, нагоняй; to give smb. a severe rating - дать кому-л. здоровый нагоняй...

    stand up to 
    • stand up to а) смело встречать; быть на высоте; б) перечить, прекословить; Mary found it difficult to stand up to Jim's father when he disapproved of their marriage; в) выживать; I don't know how you stand up to the severe winters in your part of the world; г) сравниваться по качеству; This doesn't stand up to the other firm's product, we shall have to improve it or lose business; д) проходить (тест); We must make a product that will stand up to any comparison....

    winter 1. noun 
    pin 2. v. 
    • pin 2. v. 3) придавить, прижать (к стене и т.п.) (against); связать (кого-л.); - pin down to The crash pinned the driver against the wheel. Pinning his arms against his sides, the thieves searched his pockets. - pin down - pin on to pin one's ears back - слушать внимательно; Pin back your ears, people, this is quite a story! to pin smb.'s ears back amer.; sl. - наказать кого-л.; расправиться с кем-л.; The other team won a victory over us that really pinned our ears back. The teacher's severe words pinned the children's ears back....

    pass off 
    • pass off а) постепенно прекращаться, проходить (об ощущениях и т.п.); The pain was severe to begin with, but soon passed off. б) пронестись, пройти (о дожде, буре); The storm should pass off before dark. в) хорошо пройти (о мероприятии, событии); The meeting passed off well. How did your performance pass off? г) сбывать, подсовывать (за кого-л.) (for, as); he passed himself off as a doctor он выдавал себя за доктора; The police caught him for passing off false money. He passed the idea off as his own. д) отвлекать внимание от чего-л.; е) оставлять без внимания, пропускать мимо ушей; He passed off the difficult question. The remark was intended as rudeness, but he passed it off with a laugh. ж) coll. сдать (экзамен)...

    blow up 
    • blow up а) начинать дуть it looks as if it's blowing up for severe weather. б) раздувать You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn. в) взрывать to blow up the hell перевернуть все вверх дном The soldiers blew up the enemy bridge. г) взлетать на воздух (при взрыве) A chemical factory blew up in the North of England. д) coll. бранить, ругать Mother will blow you up when she finds her best dishes broken. Mother will blow up at you when she finds her best dishes broken. е) coll. выходить из себя ж) phot. увеличивать The photographer blew the picture of the child up and entered it for a national competition. з) усиливаться (о ветре) There was a storm blowing up while we were out at sea. и) возникать Trouble is blowing up again in the Middle East. к) надувать Help me to blow up these tyres, will you? These plastic balls don't blow up easily. л) разрушать, расстраивать The lawyer's case blew up because he had no proof. The plan blew up in his face. We'll soon blow up his plan. м) раздувать факты, чье-л. тщеславие, значение He always blows up his adventures to make them seem better than they were. The crowd blew him up with their praise....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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