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    run back 
    • run back а) восходить к (определенному периоду) His family line runs back to the Conquest. б) прослеживать до (источника, начала и т.п.) If we run the story back to its origin, we might understand the cause. в) припоминать (over) Let's run back over what has just been said. г) прокрутить назад (пленку) Would you please run the film back....

    go back 
    • go back а) возвращаться Shall we go back there for our holiday next year? б) нарушить (обещание, слово и т.п.) (on, upon) в) отказаться (от своих слов и т.п.) (on, upon) You should never go back on your promise to a child. г) изменить (друзьям и т.п.) (on, upon) I was depending on him but he went back on me. Never go back on your friends. д) переводить часы назад (особенно на зимнее время) The clocks go back next week, so it will seem dark sooner. е) заканчивать забастовку I shall be glad when the post office workers go back, it's very difficult not getting any letters....

    put back 
    • put back а) передвигать назад; Why don't you put your chair back a little to get a better view? б) возвращать на место; Put the book back where you found it. в) задерживать; The fire in the factory put back production by several weeks. г) отсрочивать, откладывать, переносить; The concert had to be put back to the following week. д) передвигать назад (стрелки часов); My watch was fast so I put it back three minutes. е) naut. возвращаться (в гавань, к берегу); The storm became so fierce that we had to put back into the harbour. ж) стоить, обходиться; Our holiday put us back $1,000....

    call back 
    • call back а) звать обратно Our representative in Paris must be called back. Mr Sharp was about to leave when his secretary called him back. б) брать назад в) возвращать что-л. This medicine should call your strength back. г) наносить ответный визит The salesman will call back at any house he missed. д) перезванивать кому-л. Would you ask her to call me back? I'll call back after dinner. е) вспоминать что-л. I cannot call his face back....

    get back 
    • get back а) вернуть(ся) When did your neighbours get back from their holiday? б) возмещать (потерю, убытки) в) наказывать (кого-л. - at) Students have no way of getting back at a teacher who marks their work unfairly. We can get back at the government for their unfulfilled promises by voting against them at the next election. г) снова говорить по телефону (с кем-л. - to); I'll take advice on this matter and get back to you this afternoon....

    back II 4. adv. 
    • back II 4. adv. 1) назад, обратно back home - снова дома, на родине back from the door! - прочь от двери! - back and forth...

    sink 2. v. 
    • sink 2. v. 16) проходить (шахту); рыть (колодец); прокладывать (трубу)...

    sink 2. v. 
    • sink 2. v. 4) спадать (о воде); убывать, уменьшаться; the lake sinks - вода в озере убывает...

    sink 2. v. 
    come back 
    • come back а) возвращаться We'd like to come back next year. When Jane comes back, will you give her a message? б) вспоминаться Her name will come back (to me) soon. в) очнуться, прийти в себя г) sport обрести прежнюю форму д) sport отставать е) coll. отвечать тем же самым, отплатить той же монетой ж) возвращаться к активной деятельности Is the singer expected to come back? з) снова становиться популярным, модным Long skirts are expected to come back next year. и) отвечать 'But you're just as guilty!' Jane came back. She always comes back at anyone who tries to be polite to her. I shall' speak for twenty minutes and then you can come back at me with your questions. к) повторять чьи-л. слова I didn't hear you, could you come back? I will now ask the first speaker to come back. л) (о старом методе) снова использоваться Some people are hoping that the old system of punishment by death will come back....

    sink 2. v. 
    sink 2. v. 
    be back 
    • be back а) возвращаться I'll be back when you least expect me. б) вновь входить в моду Long skirts will be back next year. в) положить что-л. на прежнее место When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them....

    set back 
    • set back а) отодвигать, передвигать назад Why don't you set your chair back a little to get a better view? б) препятствовать, задерживать; The cost of the war has set back national development by ten years. в) отсрочивать, откладывать, переносить The election will be set back to July to avoid the June holiday. г) переводить, передвигать назад (стрелки часов) My watch was fast so I set it back three minutes. д) coll. стоить, обходиться The boy's education has set me back more than $3000....

    sink 2. v. 
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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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