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    soup-plate noun 
    scoop 2. v. 
    • scoop 2. v. 5) coll. опубликовать сенсационное сообщение (раньше других газет) - scoop in - scoop up Syn: bail, dig, ladle, shovel, spoon...

    soup I noun 
    savour 2. v. 
    • savour 2. v. 1) иметь привкус или запах; отдавать (of - чем-л.); the soup savours of onion - суп попахивает луком...

    dilute 1. v. 
    • dilute 1. v. 1) разжижать, разбавлять, разводить; разрежать (with) If you dilute the soup with hot water it will feed more people....

    dunk v. 
    • dunk v. 1) макать (сухарь, печенье в чай, вино) (in) The children are allowed to dunk their bread in the soup....

    warm over 
    • warm over а) разогревать (еду); It won't take a minute to warm the soup over for you. б) повторять (идеи, мысли); He's just warming over ideas he's heard from other people....

    fortify v. 
    • fortify v. 1) укреплять (against; with) Walls of earth will fortify the building against enemy bombing. Have some hot soup to fortify you against the cold....

    pour 1. v. 
    • pour 1. v. 4) выливать; Pour the rest of the soup away, it won't keep fresh till tomorrow. Pour off the remaining liquid....

    heat 2. v. 
    • heat 2. v. 1) нагревать(ся); разогревать; подогревать (часто heat up); согревать(ся) I can heat up some soup in two minutes, it's all ready....

    cover up 
    • cover up а) спрятать, тщательно прикрыть He tried to cover up his guilt by lying. б) закрывать The child kept kicking the bedclothes off, so his mother had to keep covering him up. Cover yourself up, it's cold. Cover up the soup to keep it hot....

    spoon I 2. v. 
    • spoon I 2. v. 1) черпать ложкой (обыкн. spoon up, spoon out); I spooned out some soup to each of the guests....

    simmer down 
    • simmer down а) кипеть на медленном огне, выкипать The soup has simmered down after all this time, so that there is hardly any left. б) успокоиться, остыть Don't try to ask Jim a favour, give him time to simmer down....

    dip into 
    • dip into а) обмакнуть I'll allow the children to dip their bread into the soup. б) погрузиться (в жидкость) The swimmer dipped into the river but it was too cold. в) проглядывать, пролистывать, поверхностно изучать I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to read it. If you dip into the future you can see fearful dangers ahead. г) использовать часть денег I had to dip into the money I had saved to pay for the holiday....

    strain off 
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