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    cease 1. v. 
    • cease 1. v. 2) приостанавливать (часто с герундием) - cease talking - cease fire! - cease payment Syn: see stop...

    listen in 
    • listen in а) слушать радиопередачу; I missed the broadcast, I forgot to listen in. б) mil. подслушивать радиопередачу или разговор по телефону; You shouldn't listen in when other people are talking privately....

    talk sense 
    • talk sense говорить дельно, разумно; he is talking sense он дело говорит...

    think aloud 
    • think aloud думать вслух, размышлять вслух; Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, I was just thinking aloud....

    get onto 
    • get onto а) переходить к чему-л., начинать что-л. другое Let's get onto the next scene now. When can we get onto the next piece of business? б) начинать говорить о чем-л., работать над чем-л. How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. в) быть выбранным My neighbour got onto the city council. г) выпрашивать She's been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. д) думать о чем-л. I've got onto a good idea for improving production. е) понимать The children didn't quite get onto what the teacher was saying....

    labour 2. v. 
    • labour 2. v. 2) прилагать усилия, добиваться (for) to labour for breath - дышать с трудом to labour for peace - добиваться мира he laboured to understand what they were talking about - он прилагал усилия, чтобы понять, о чем они говорили...

    get 1. v.; past got; past part. got, obs. and amer. gotten 
    • get 1. v.; past got; past part. got, obs. and amer. gotten 18) (с последующим инфинитивом или герундием означает начало или однократность действия:) to get to know - узнать they got talking - они начали разговаривать...

    come between 
    • come between а) пытаться развести, разделить кого-л. Never come between husband and wife. It is dangerous to come between two fighting dogs. б) мешать кому-л. The true artist lets nothing come between himself and his work. come by а) проходить мимо Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home. My teacher came by just as we were talking about him. Move aside, please, the firemen want to come by. б) доставать, достигать How did you come by that beautiful picture? A good job that you enjoy doing is hard to come by. в) amer. заходить Why don't you, come by some afternoon and have coffee with me? г) получать что-л. (особенно случайно) How did you come by that wound on your arm?...

    close with 
    • close with а) вступать в борьбу The two men closed with their attackers. б) принимать предложение, заключать сделку After hours of talking about the price, the shopkeeper at last closed with the salesman's offer. The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting. в) заканчивать что-л. чем-л. The priest closed the meeting with a prayer. г) be closed with иметь конфиденциальную встречу I'm sorry, you can't go in that room, the chairman is closed with the director for an urgent meeting....

    hang up 
    • hang up а) повесить что-л.; повесить телефонную трубку, дать отбой Don't hang up (on me), I haven't finished talking to you! б) медлить, откладывать, оставлять нерешенным The peace talks were hung up while the representatives spoke to their governments. в) coll. закладывать; отдавать в залог г) уставать, утомлять, раздражать(ся) The boy is badly hung up on the way his mother treated him. Try not to get hung up in too many activities. The girl is really hung up on that musician....

    hammer out 
    • hammer out а) расплющивать The car door was so damaged in the crash that the garage men had to hammer it out. б) выковывать At this college some of the students learn to hammer out beautiful dishes in silver and other precious metals. в) fig. придумывать; составлять; изобретать г) делать что-л. шумно I can hear Jane from here, hammering out a tune on the piano; I do wish she would learn to play the instrument gently. Tom is back at work, hammering out another story on his old typewriter. д) говорить о чем-л. в подробностях, приходить к решению после длительного обсуждения The government must hammer out the difficult question of how to prevent further wars, if we keep talking all night, we should be able to hammer out an agreement....

    talk 2. v. 
    • talk 2. v. 5) заговорить (о допрашиваемом) - talk about - talk around - talk at smb. - talk away - talk back - talk big - talk down - talk down to - talk into - talk of - talk on - talk out - talk out of - talk over - talk round - talk through one's hat - talk to - talk to the point - talk up to talk big/large/tall coll. - хвастать, бахвалиться to talk against time - а) говорить с целью выиграть время; б) стараться уложиться в установленное время (об ораторе) to talk smb.'s head off, to talk a donkey's hind leg off coll. - заговорить до смерти how you talk! - рассказывай!, ври больше! to talk turkey amer.; coll. - а) говорить дело, разговаривать по-деловому; б) говорить начистоту now you are talking! coll. - вот сейчас ты говоришь дело! you can't talk coll. - не тебе говорить, ты бы лучше помалкивал...

    leave II v.; past and past part. left 
    • leave II v.; past and past part. left 9) прекращать; it is time to leave talking and begin acting - пора перестать разговаривать и начать действовать; leave it at that! coll. - оставьте!, довольно! - leave alone - leaveaside - leave behind - leave off - leave out - leave over - leave open to leave oneself wide open amer. подставить себя под удар to leave smth. in the air оставлять незаконченным (мысль, речь и т.п.) to leave smb. to himself не вмешиваться в чьи-л. дела it leaves much to be desired оставляет желать много лучшего to be/get (nicely) left coll. быть покинутым, обманутым, одураченным Syn: abandon, desert, forsake depart, go, retire, withdraw see quit Ant: keep, persevere in, stay at, stay in, stay with, stick to, stick with approach, come, remain...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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