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    little 2. adv. 
    • little 2. adv. 2) с глаголами know, dream, think и т. п. совсем не little did he think that (или he little thought that) - он и не думал, что...

    think through 
    • think through продумывать, додумывать до конца; добраться до сути дела; Now that we've thought the matter through can we come to a decision?...

    look down 
    • look down а) смотреть свысока, презирать (on, upon); She looked down on Jim and thought he was not worthy of her daughter; б) comm. падать (в цене)...

    go out 
    • go out а) выйти; выходить I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. б) бывать в обществе Let's go out tonight; there's a good film showing at the local cinema. в) выйти в свет (о книге) г) выйти в отставку д) выйти из моды I thought those ancient machines went out years ago! е) тратиться (о деньгах) There's more money going out than coming in, and I'm worried about the business. ж) кончаться (о месяце, годе) March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. з) (за)бастовать The Post Office workers went out before Christmas, now the electricians are out. I wonder who'll come out next? и) amer. обрушиться к) потерпеть неудачу If the government goes out at the next election, who will lead the country? л) распространяться (о новостях, приказах и т.д.) I thought the wedding invitations had all gone out, but my sister says she hasn't received hers. м) (об огне, свете и т.д.) догореть, погаснуть Have you a match? My cigarette has gone out. Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. н) умереть I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. о) выйти из берегов When the sea goes out, the sand stretches for a long way. п) терять сознание The robber hit him on the head with an iron bar, and he went out like a light....

    be over 
    • be over а) приходить в чей-л. дом I'll be over later this evening. б) заканчивать(ся) We all thought that the war would be over by Christmas. The rain will soon be over. в) оставаться Is there any cake over from the party? There might be a few pieces of cloth over when I've finished making the dress; you can have them....

    pop in 
    • pop in coll. а) всунуть; One of the guests popped his head in to say goodbye. Pop this letter in (the postbox) as you pass, will you? б) внезапно появиться; зайти неожиданно, без предупреждения; I thought I'd pop in and see how you are....

    revolt 2. v. 
    • revolt 2. v. 2) противиться, восставать; чувствовать отвращение (at, from, against); I know I have to get up every morning, but my mind revolts against the thought....

    pace along 
    • pace along двигаться/идти безостановочно вдоль чего-л.; I paced along the shore, deep in thought....

    blaze up 
    be in collision with 
    • be in collision with договариваться секретно с кем-л., часто для совершения чего-л. незаконного/аморального Who would ever have thought that the police themselves were in collusion with the criminals?...

    toy with 
    • toy with а) вертеть в руках; All the time he was talking, he was toying with a pencil. б) дурачиться, забавляться; несерьёзно относиться; toy with an idea играть с мыслью; Father often toys with the thought of going to live on a tropical island....

    self 1. noun 
    • self 1. noun 1) собственная личность, сам; to have no thought of self - не думать о себе; one's better self - лучшее, что есть в человеке; one's former self - то, чем человек был раньше; one's second self - близкий друг, правая рука - the study of the self - my own self - my very self...

    leaf 2. v. 
    • leaf 2. v. 1) покрываться листвой (амер. leaf out); The plant you gave me leafed out, just when I thought it was dead...

    juice up 
    • juice up оживлять The writer has thought it necessary to juice up his stories with accounts of his sexual adventures....

    condescend to 
    • condescend to 2) унижаться до чего-л. I'm surprised at you, condescending to such tricks! I never thought he would condescend to cheating....

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