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    time 1. noun 
    • time 1. noun 3) usu. pl. эпоха, времена; hard times - тяжелые времена; time out of mind - с незапамятных времен; Shakespeare's times - эпоха Шекспира; before one's time - до кого-л.; до чьего-л. рождения; times to come - будущее; as times go - по нынешним временам; before (behind) the times (или one's time) - передовой (отсталый) по взглядам...

    settle II v. 
    • settle II v. 5) браться за определенное дело (часто settle down); Isn't it time you settled to work on your paper?...

    glance over 
    • glance over быстро прочитывать, пролистывать I've only had time to glance over your work, but I can already see how much it has improved....

    cope I v. 
    • cope I v. справиться; совладать (with) I can't cope with such a pile of work this weekend. How is Mary coping with Jim's mother? I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job. Syn: see withstand...

    peace-time noun 
    • peace-time noun 2) attr. относящийся к мирному времени; мирного времени; - peace-time industries - peace-time strength peace-time industries гражданские отрасли промышленности...

    fade out 
    • fade out а) radio cin. tv постепенно уменьшать силу звука или четкость изображения Fade out the last scene at the end. б) исчезать Having done my job in starting the club. I decided that it was time I faded out and left the work to younger members....

    butt in 
    • butt in а) вмешиваться (в разговор) When someone else is talking, don't butt in (to their conversation), it's rude. Never butt in on anyone else's quarrel. б) мешать, стараясь помочь I'd have got the job finished in time if he hadn't come butting in on my work with his unwanted advice....

    time 2. v. 
    • time 2. v. 1) удачно выбирать время; рассчитывать (по времени); приурочивать; to time to the minute - рассчитывать до минуты...

    dig in 
    • dig in а) зарывать Dig this chemical in thoroughly and your crops will grow faster. б) вонзать (шпоры, нож и т.п.) This meal is so hard, you have to dig the knife in before you can cut it. в) окапываться The soldiers were ordered to dig in. г) укореняться, закрепляться I had plenty of time to dig myself in when I started the new job. Get dug in as quickly as you can, then the work won't worry you. д) жадно начинать есть Dinner's ready, dig in, everybody!...

    time-saving adj. 
    • time-saving adj. экономящий время, ускоряющий; time-saving device tech. - усовершенствование, дающее экономию времени...

    get down 
    • get down а) спуститься, сойти Get down from that horse at once! The cat climbed the tree, and then couldn't get down. б) снять (с полки) в) проглатывать Try to get the medicine down, it's good for you. г) засесть (за учение и т.п.) (to) д) подстрелить Did you get down the enemy plane? The hunters got down three deer е) выходить из-за стола Please, may I get down? All right, down you get, then, all of you! ж) записывать Get down every word she says. з) нервировать This continuous wet weather is getting me down. и) уделять внимание (to) It's time we got down to work....

    shove on 
    • shove on а) спешить; We must shove on with the work if we are to finish it in time. б) проталкивать, ускорять; to shove things on ускорять ход событий в) coll. побуждать; заставлять; All her life she had been shoved on by her family to be a singer....

    push on 
    • push on а) спешить; We must push on with the work if we are to finish it in time. б) проталкивать, ускорять; to push things on ускорять ход событий в) coll. побуждать; заставлять; All her life she had been pushed on by her family to be a singer....

    buckle 2. v. 
    • buckle 2. v. 5) сгибаться (от давления) - buckle down - buckle to - buckle under - buckle up buckle down серьезно браться за работу It's time you buckled down and got some work done....

    big-time adj.; coll. 
    • big-time adj.; coll. 2) выдающийся, из ряда вон выходящий - big-time operator...

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