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     выборка описание
    reimburse v. 
    • reimburse v. возвращать, возмещать, покрывать (сумму); The firm will reimburse you for any travelling costs. The cost of your journey will be reimbursed to you....

    frighten into 
    • frighten into страхом, запугиванием заставить сделать что-л. The salesman frightened the old lady into signing the paper, by threatening to take away the goods....

    recompense 2. v. 
    • recompense 2. v. вознаграждать; компенсировать; отплачивать; The firm will recompense you for any travelling costs....

    repay v. 
    • repay v. 4) возмещать (ущерб, расходы); The firm will repay you for your travelling costs....

    scare into 
    • scare into coll. (испугав) принудить, заставить сделать (что-л.); The salesman scared the old lady into signing the paper by threatening to take away the goods....

    measure 2. v. 
    • measure 2. v. 1) измерять, мерить; отмерять (тж. measure off); The salesman measured off three metres of the wood...

    legislate v. 
    • legislate v. издавать законы, законодательствовать - legislate for legislate for рассчитывать, учитывать; If you're thinking of travelling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic....

    conceive of 
    • conceive of представлять I cannot conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother. It's difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon. Can you conceive of her doing such a stupid thing?...

    be at home 
    • be at home находиться дома I'm sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? If the minister calls, tell him I'm not at home. I'm not at home to any travelling salesmen. Mr and Mrs Fox will be at home to their friends on Thursday evening from 7.30....

    recoup v. 
    • recoup v. 1) компенсировать, возмещать; to recoup a person for loss/damage - возмещать кому-л. убытки; Will you be recouped for your travelling costs while on the firm's business?...

    round out 
    • round out а) закруглять(ся), делать(ся) круглым б) полнеть She was very thin after her illness, but is rounding out nicely now. в) заканчивать(ся), завершать(ся) The best way to round out your education is by travelling. The inquiry was rounding itself out....

    beguile out of 
    • beguile out of обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    beguile out 
    • beguile out обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    beguile into 
    • beguile into обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    intimidate v. 
    • intimidate v. пугать; запугивать, устрашать (into) The salesman intimidated the old lady into signing the paper, by threatening to take away the goods. Syn: browbeat, bully, cow, daunt, dismay, overawe, terrorize Ant: blandish, encourage, enhearten, induce...

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