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    be bound up in 
    • be bound up in быть занятым чем-л. I'm sorry I couldn't meet you, I was bound up in committee meetings. His interests are completely bound up in his wife and family....

    recognize v. 
    • recognize v. 1) узнавать, опознавать; He recognized his wife's handwriting. This bird is easily recognized from the unusual shape of its tail....

    decamp v. 
    • decamp v. 2) удирать, скрываться (with - с чем-л., кем-л.) Your uninvited guest has just decamped with the silver. The young writer decamped with his teacher's wife....

    waltz off 
    • waltz off а) легко выиграть (with); Don't tell me Jim has waltzed off with the top prize as usual! б) уводить кого-л. (with); And then do you know what he did? Waltzed off with his teacher's wife!...

    fool about 
    • fool about а) зря болтаться Stop fooling about, we have serious work to do. б) играть с чем-л. (with) Children should not be allowed to fool around with matches. в) вступать в сексуальную связь (with) Don't fool around with another man's wife....

    come away 
    • come away а) уходить Come away with me on my next holiday. I had to come away before the end of the party. The young writer asked his teacher's wife to come away with him. б) отламываться the handle came away in my hand ручка отломилась и осталась у меня в руках в) отстранять что-л. When my hand came away, blood poured from the wound....

    man 1. noun; pl. men 
    file for 
    • file for а) начинать судебный процесс The actor's wife has filed for divorce again. б) amer. предлагать свои услуги (официально) How many people have filed for this office?...

    shut off 
    • shut off а) выключать (воду, ток, пар и т.п.); Do please shut off that loud music! б) (from) изолировать On his wife's death, he shut himself off from his old friends. This is a beautiful valley, shut off by mountains from the rest of the world....

    II 2. v. 
    • II 2. v. 1) бросаться, мчаться, нестись, устремляться also fig. ; an idea IIed into my mind - мне вдруг пришло на ум; words IIed to his lips - слова так и посыпались из его уст; So many people rushed for the bus that people could hardly get off. Why did you have to rush in when I was talking to my wife?...

    compare 1. v. 
    • compare 1. v. 1) сравнивать, сличать (with) We can start by comparing the work of the historian with the work of the politician. It is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his mother....

    survive v. 
    • survive v. 1) пережить (современников, свою славу и т.п.); he survived his wife for many years - он пережил свою жену на много лет; to survive one's usefulness - стать бесполезным, ненужным...

    slip down 
    • slip down а) поскользнуться; My wife has slipped down in the street and hurt her ankle. б) соскользнуть; The coin has slipped down behind the books, and I can't reach it. в) проскользнуть, легко пройти; The medicine slipped down well enough....

    jealous adj. 
    • jealous adj. 1) ревнивый; ревнующий to be jealous of one's wife - ревновать жену - be jealous...

    cleave to 
    • cleave to 2) оставаться верным, преданным кому-л. или какой-л. идее A good wife cleaves to her husband. Loyal party members cleave to their party's political principles....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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