Российская Информационная Сеть


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    walking-race noun 
    walking-tour noun 
    walk into 
    • walk into а) входить; He was last seen walking into the Town Hall. б) coll. бранить, набрасываться с бранью (на кого-л.); I could hear the director walking into Jim for being late again. в) sl. есть, уплетать; That boy walked into the meal as if he hadn't seen food for a week. г) coll. натолкнуться, попасть; he walked into the ambush он натолкнулся на засаду; д) coll. легко получить работу; No one was surprised when she walked into the top position....

    walking 1. noun 
    walking 1. noun 
    walking-stick noun 
    jump out 
    • jump out выскочить (of) I was walking up the garden path when one of the children jumped out of the bushes and surprised me....

    include v. 
    • include v. 1) заключать, содержать в себе (among) Included among the guests were a number of famous musicians. Do you include walking among your amusements?...

    walk about 
    • walk about а) прогуливаться, прохаживаться, фланировать; There were just a few people walking about in the town square, but no traffic in the streets. б) идти через толпу; Is it safe for the President to walk about without a guard?...

    chop around 
    • chop around изменять направление When the storm arose, the wind chopped around and the little boat nearly sank. We were walking along the street together when suddenly he chopped round and ran the other way....

    dust down 
    • dust down а) вытирать пыль с чего-л. She picked herself up, dusted herself down, and started walking again. б) coll. ругать кого-л. The director dusted Jim down for being late again....

    get 1. v.; past got; past part. got, obs. and amer. gotten 
    • get 1. v.; past got; past part. got, obs. and amer. gotten 20) (с последующим существительным выражает действие, соответствующее значению существительного) to get some sleep - соснуть to get a glimpse of smb. - мельком увидеть кого-л. - get about - get abreast of - get abroad - get across - get after - get ahead - get along - get at - get away - get back - get behind - get by - get down - get home - get in - get into - get off - get on - get onto - get out - get over - get round - get through - get to - get together - get under - get up - get by heart to get one's hand in набить руку в чем-л., освоиться с чем-л. to get smth. into one's head вбить что-л. себе в голову to get one's breath перевести дыхание; прийти в себя to get on one's feet/legs вставать (чтобы говорить публично) to have got smb., smth. on one's nerves раздражаться из-за кого-л., чего-л. to get under way сдвинуться с места; отправиться to get a head захмелеть, иметь тяжелую голову с похмелья - get hold of to get the mitten (или the sack, walking orders, walking papers) быть уволенным - get it to get in wrong with smb. попасть в немилость к кому-л. to get one's own way сделать по-своему, поставить на своем - get nowhere to get off with a whole skin выйти сухим из воды get along with you! coll. убирайтесь! get away with you! joc. да ну тебя!; не болтай глупостей! get out with you! уходи!, проваливай! I got him (или through to him) on the telephone at last наконец я дозвонился к нему Syn: acquire, gain, obtain, procure Ant: give up, let go, lose, relinquish...

    walk through 
    • walk through а) переходить; Walking through the forest one day, we found a strange little hut that no one had ever seen before. б) репетировать; прогонять (сцену); Shall we walk through Act One, so that you get used to the movements? в) легко справляться с чем-л.; John thought that he would fail his driving test, as usual, but this time, to his own surprise, he walked through it....

    beam 1. noun 
    • beam 1. noun 6) tech. балансир (тж. walking beam, working beam); коромысло (весов) - kick the beam - strike the beam...

    push ahead 
    • push ahead а) толкать перед собой, выталкивать вперед; The old man was walking along the street, pushing a small cart ahead of him. I didn't want to be first to speak, so I pushed the others ahead. б) coll. настойчиво продвигать, добиваться; Whatever happens, we must push ahead with our plans....

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