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    mural painting 
    genre painting 
    vase-painting noun 
    word-painting noun 
    wall-painting noun 
    • wall-painting noun настенная живопись; фреска, фресковая живопись...

    bid in 
    • bid in предлагать цену на аукционе The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bid in at $68.000....

    bargain for 
    • bargain for торговаться The dealer spent hours bargaining for the valuable painting....

    a II artic. 
    • a II artic. 7) перед именем автора обозначает произведение литературы или искусства the painting is a Rubens - это картина Рубенса...

    buy in 
    • buy in а) закупать We must make sure to buy in sugar before the price rises again. б) выкупать (собственные вещи на аукционе) The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in at $68,000....

    scrub down 
    • scrub down соскребать, счищать; отмывать, смывать (обыкн. щеткой) Scrub the walls down well before painting them....

    fake II 2. v. 
    • fake II 2. v. 1) подделывать, фабриковать (обыкн. fake up) Do you really think that you can deceive experienced art dealers with an oil painting that you have faked up? You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him....

    plug 2. v. 
    • plug 2. v. 2) coll. корпеть (часто plug away); If I plug away at painting the room, I may get it finished tonight....

    action noun 
    • action noun 10) attr. action painting - форма абстрактной живописи (разбрызгивание краски по холсту) actions speak louder than words prov. - не по словам судят, a по делам Syn: see act...

    wash down 
    • wash down а) вымыть; I need some help to wash the walls down before painting. б) окатить (водой); в) смыть; снести; The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks. г) запивать (еду, лекарство водой, вином и т.п.); The meal was so bad that we had to wash it down with cheap wine....

    palm off 
    • palm off всучать; сбывать, подсовывать (кому-л.) (on, upon); This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off worthless goods. He palmed the painting off as a Renoir. The salesman palmed off the faulty machine on the lady. I don't believe he means to do the job: he keeps palming me off with promises....

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