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    leader-writer noun 
    novel-writer noun 
    switch 2. v. 
    • switch 2. v. 3) amer.; coll. менять(ся) (from; to); In his new book, the writer has switched from his usual poetic style to a plainer manner....

    divagate v. 
    • divagate v. 1) отклоняться от темы (from) The book divagates from its main point in Part 2, but returns at the end to prove the writer's opinion....

    engross v. 
    • engross v. 2) (pass.) быть поглощенным чем-л., углубиться во что-л. (in) The writer was so engrossed in her work that she did not hear the visitor enter the room....

    drag on 
    • drag on продолжать все то же; скучно тянуться (о времени, жизни) The writer dragged on an unhappy existence for many years until in the end she killed herself....

    obsess v. 
    • obsess v. завладеть, преследовать, мучить (о навязчивой идее и т.п.); овладеть, обуять (о страхе) (with/by); The writer was obsessed with thoughts of death....

    immerse v. 
    • immerse v. 2) поглощать, занимать (мысли, внимание) (in) I have a talk to give next month on the famous writer, so first I must immerse myself in his books....

    juice up 
    • juice up оживлять The writer has thought it necessary to juice up his stories with accounts of his sexual adventures....

    construct v. 
    • construct v. 2) создавать; сочинять; придумывать (from) The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood. to construct the plot of a novel - придумать сюжет романа...

    decamp v. 
    • decamp v. 2) удирать, скрываться (with - с чем-л., кем-л.) Your uninvited guest has just decamped with the silver. The young writer decamped with his teacher's wife....

    present I 2. adj. 
    • present I 2. adj. 3) данный, этот самый; the present volume - данная книга; the present writer - пишущий эти строки...

    come away 
    • come away а) уходить Come away with me on my next holiday. I had to come away before the end of the party. The young writer asked his teacher's wife to come away with him. б) отламываться the handle came away in my hand ручка отломилась и осталась у меня в руках в) отстранять что-л. When my hand came away, blood poured from the wound....

    infringe v. 
    • infringe v. нарушать (закон, обещание, авторское право и т.п.); посягать (на чьи-л. права и т.п.) (on/upon) In a recent magazine article, the writer complained that his right to remain private had been infringed upon by government inquirers demanding personal information. Syn: see encroach...

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