выборка | описание |
fade out
- fade out а) radio cin. tv постепенно уменьшать силу звука или четкость изображения Fade out the last scene at the end. б) исчезать Having done my job in starting the club. I decided that it was time I faded out and left the work to younger members....
unpaid adj.
- unpaid adj. 3) бесплатный; unpaid work - бесплатная работа...
without cease
- without cease непрестанно to work without cease работать не покладая рук...
unskilled adj.
- unskilled adj. 2) неумелый; unskilled work - неумелая работа...
shut in
- shut in а) запирать; It isn't kind to shut the dog in all day while you're at work. б) загораживать (свет и т.п.) The farmhouse was shut in by tall trees. в) защемлять, прищемлять I shut my finger in the door....
butt in
- butt in а) вмешиваться (в разговор) When someone else is talking, don't butt in (to their conversation), it's rude. Never butt in on anyone else's quarrel. б) мешать, стараясь помочь I'd have got the job finished in time if he hadn't come butting in on my work with his unwanted advice....
strip 2. v.
- strip 2. v. 6) tech. срывать резьбу - strip down; Jim got stripped down for being late for work again. - strip off...
laze v.
- laze v. coll. бездельничать, лентяйничать (тж. laze about/around/away); It's so nice just to laze about in the sun, doing no work for a change...
define v.
- define v. 1) определять, давать определение (as) You can define the word 'difficult' as 'not easy.' In the contract agreed between the union and the employers, overtime is defined as work after 6 p.m. on weekdays, and anytime on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays....
dig in
- dig in а) зарывать Dig this chemical in thoroughly and your crops will grow faster. б) вонзать (шпоры, нож и т.п.) This meal is so hard, you have to dig the knife in before you can cut it. в) окапываться The soldiers were ordered to dig in. г) укореняться, закрепляться I had plenty of time to dig myself in when I started the new job. Get dug in as quickly as you can, then the work won't worry you. д) жадно начинать есть Dinner's ready, dig in, everybody!...
fall below
- fall below а) понижаться The class has fallen below ten students this year. The exchange rate of the dollar fell below eighty-eight cents today. б) ухудшаться I'm disappointed in your work: it has fallen below your usual standard....
go forward
- go forward а) улучшать Is your work going forward now that the materials have arrived? б) продолжать The council gave us permission to go forward with our building plan. в) переставлять часы вперед Do the clocks go forward in the spring?...
coast 2. v.
- coast 2. v. 3) спускаться под уклон с выключенным мотором или без педалей (тж. coast along) The road was slightly downhill, so we just coasted along enjoying ourselves. - coast along coast along продвигаться вперед без усилий Work is just coasting along, thank you....
outstanding adj.
- outstanding adj. 4) невыполненный; остающийся неразрешенным, спорным; a good deal of work still outstanding - работы еще непочатый край Syn: distinguished,dominant, foremost, paramount, predominant, preponderant, prevailing, prominent Ant: mediocre, usual...
quicken I v.
- quicken I v. 5) ускорять, ускоряться; You'll have to quicken up your rate of work if you want to finish by the agreed date. his pulse quickened - его пульс участился Syn: accelerate, expedite, hasten, hurry, rush, speed Ant: delay, hinder, stop...
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