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    discourse 2. v. 
    • discourse 2. v. ораторствовать; рассуждать; излагать в форме речи, лекции, проповеди (upon/on - о чем-л.) The minister discoursed upon the effectiveness of religious belief for over two hours. His latest book discourses upon the evils of violence....

    consign v. 
    telescope into 
    • telescope into сжимать, сокращать; How are you going to telescope all those articles into one short book?...

    insist v. 
    • insist v. 2) настойчиво требовать (on) I'm afraid I have to insist on the return of my book at once....

    decuman adj. 
    unfettered adj. 
    • unfettered adj. 2) book. нестеснённый; unfettered by conventions - не стеснённый условностями...

    scarce 1. adj. 
    • scarce 1. adj. 2) редкий, редко встречающийся; дефицитный; scarce book - редкая книга - make oneself scarce Syn: see scanty...

    accommodation noun 
    • accommodation noun 2) amer. usu. pl. место (в поезде, на пароходе и т.п.) to book accommodations on the train - заказать билеты на поезд...

    crib 2. v. 
    • crib 2. v. 3) coll. совершать плагиат (from) There will be no cribbing from anyone else's work! The boy cribbed the answer from a book that he was hiding. These answers have been cribbed from another student!...

    delete v. 
    • delete v. 1) вычеркивать, стирать (from) Why have the names of the performers been deleted from the advertisements for the concert? The offending passage has been deleted from the new printing of the book....

    enjoy v. 
    • enjoy v. 1) also refl. получать удовольствие; наслаждаться how did you enjoy yourself? - как вы провели время? how did you enjoy the book? - как вам понравилась книга?...

    instalment noun 
    • instalment noun 2) отдельный выпуск a book in six instalments - книга, вышедшая шестью выпусками...

    hit back 
    • hit back а) давать сдачи If he hits you first, I suppose it's all right to hit him back. б) отражать атаку In a letter to the newspaper, Tom hit back at those who had found fault with his latest book....

    compress 2. v. 
    • compress 2. v. сжимать; сдавливать (into) This machine can compress the paper into thick cardboard. It is going to be very difficult to compress this mass of material into a book of ordinary length....

    climb out of 
    • climb out of а) выбираться, вылезать The cat fell into the hole and couldn't climb out of it. б) оправдываться But you were seen taking the book; now try to climb out of that one....

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