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    drop off 
    • drop off а) расходиться б) уменьшаться Student numbers have been dropping off recently. Interest in the game has dropped off. в) заснуть I was sitting in the armchair reading the newspaper when I dropped off. I had a bad night. I went to bed early enough but for some reason I couldn't drop off. г) умереть д) оставить кого-л., что-л. Drop me off at the corner, and I'll walk from there. I just want to drop this letter off, I'll drop my coat off at the cleaners on my way to the office. е) ухудшаться The quality of performance has dropped off since last year....

    prosecutor noun 
    handling noun 
    pass round 
    • pass round а) передавать друг другу; пустить по кругу; to pass round the hat пустить шапку по кругу, устроить сбор пожертвований; Pass the cake round so that everyone can take a piece. The story was quickly passed round the office. б) обматывать; обводить; to pass a rope round a cask обмотать бочонок канатом...

    man 1. noun; pl. men 
    • man 1. noun; pl. men 2) в устойчивых сочетаниях: а) как представитель профессии: - man of law - man of letters - man of office - man of the pen б) как обладатель определенных качеств; сочетания типа family man, self-made man, medical man, leading man, etc. см. под family , self-made , medical , leading etc. - man of character - man of courage - man of decision - man of distinction - man of mark - man of note - man of family - man of genius - man of ideas - man of pleasure - man of principle - man of no principles - man of no scruples - man of sense - man of straw - man of taste - man of worth...

    deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 
    • deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 4) торговать (in - чем-л.); вести торговые дела (with - с кем-л.) This shop deals in woollen goods. Head Office deals with all complaints. How do you deal with noisy children? There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business....

    send up 
    • send up а) направлять вверх; When the doctor arrives, send him up, will you? Two men were sent up to the top of the mountain. б) повышать The increase in oil prices is sending up the cost of all other goods. в) отправлять (обыкн. в высшую инстанцию) We have sent your name up to Head Office. г) взорвать, уничтожить (с помощью огня, взрыва и т.п.) The whole building was sent up in flames when the petrol exploded. д) amer.; coll. приговорить к тюремному заключению The judge sent the man up. е) высмеивать, разыгрывать (кого-л.); пародировать The students used to enjoy themselves by sending up the teacher's manner of speaking....

    shoot out 
    • shoot out а) выскакивать, вылетать; As we got near to the hole, a rabbit shot out and ran towards the woods. б) выдаваться (о мысе и т.п.); The land shoots out into the sea. в) высовывать, выставлять; выпячивать; выбрасывать to shoot out one's lips презрительно выпячивать губы; As the teacher turned his back, the child shot out his tongue. г) пускать (ростки); Plants shoot out buds. д) выпалить, сказать неожиданно и быстро He shot out a stream of curses when he learned what his enemy had done. е) coll. вышвырнуть, выгнать If the party leaders are not careful, they could be shot out at the next election....

    John-o`-Groat`s(-House) noun 
    • John-o'-Groat's(-House) noun север Шотландии from John-o'-Groat's-House to Land's End - от севера до юга Англии; от края до края (страны)...

    go round 
    • go round а) вращаться the wheels go round колеса вращаются б) приходить в гости запросто You've expressed a great deal of interest in the new buildings. Would you like to go round? в) обойти кругом, хватить на всех (за столом) There should be enough soup to go round. г) распространяться Stories have been going round concerning the government's secret intentions. There are a lot of colds going round just now. д) появляться вместе в обществе How long have those two been going round together? е) повторяться I have this tune going round in my head, driving me mad! ж) рассылаться A notice of the general meeting is going round; please sign and return it to the main office....

    call for 
    • call for а) требовать the situation called for drastic measures положение требовало принятия решительных мер letters to be called for письма до востребования Henry called for the waiter in a loud voice. The men sat down and called for some beer. The opposition are calling for a general election. б) заходить за кем-л., чем-л. Will you call for my dress at the cleaner's? I'll call for you at 8 o'clock. The parcel was left at the post office to be called for. в) предусматривать г) нуждаться This trouble calls for quick action by the government. Your remark was not called for....

    run off 
    • run off а) удирать, убегать; сбегать (with - с) Jim and Mary threatened to run off to get married. б) угонять (скот) Someone ran the cattle off during the night. в) не производить впечатления the scoldings run off him like water off a duck's back его ругают, а с него все как с гуся вода; г) отцеживать; спускать (жидкость) Get the man to run the oil off. д) строчить, катать (стихи, статью и т. п) I can run off the article that you want in a few days. е) бойко декламировать, читать He ran off the poem like a machinegun. ж) печатать (тираж издания, количество экземпляров) Can you run off 200 copies of this notice? з) проводить предварительные забеги (для решения исхода скачек) All the early races have been run off. и) выгонять, выставлять (непрошеных гостей и т.п.) I'll run you off my land....

    patent 2. noun 
    run down 
    • run down а) сбегать (вниз); течь стекать (вниз) Walk down the stairs, don't run down. The river runs down to the sea. б) сбить; столкнуться с чем-л., кем-л. повредив (что-л.) или ранив (кого-л.) The poor boy has been run down by a bus. The big ship has run down the little boat. в) разыскать At last I ran down the article that I had been looking for. г) догнать, настигнуть The police had run the jewel thieves down after a long search. д) останавливаться (о машине, часах и т.п.), кончаться (о заводе) I think the clock must have run down. е) снижать(ся), сокращать(ся) The coal industry is running down. ж) пренебрежительно отзываться (о ком-л.) She's always running down her son's wife. з) спускаться (обыкн. о местности) The land belonging to the castle runs down to the sea. и) переутомлять(ся); истощать(ся), изнурять(ся) In spite of my holiday in the sun, I've been run down recently....

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