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    trip 1. noun 
    • trip 1. noun 1) путешествие; поездка, экскурсия, рейс - round trip - business trip - take a trip...

    boot I 2. v. 
    education noun 
    • education noun 1) образование; просвещение, обучение - all-round education - trade education - classical education - vocational education - higher education...

    go back 
    • go back а) возвращаться Shall we go back there for our holiday next year? б) нарушить (обещание, слово и т.п.) (on, upon) в) отказаться (от своих слов и т.п.) (on, upon) You should never go back on your promise to a child. г) изменить (друзьям и т.п.) (on, upon) I was depending on him but he went back on me. Never go back on your friends. д) переводить часы назад (особенно на зимнее время) The clocks go back next week, so it will seem dark sooner. е) заканчивать забастовку I shall be glad when the post office workers go back, it's very difficult not getting any letters....

    fetch I 1. v. 
    • fetch I 1. v. 8) coll. ударить he was fetched on the head from behind - кто-то сзади нанес ему удар по голове - fetch away - fetch down - fetch out - fetch over - fetch round - fetch up to fetch up all standing - внезапно остановиться to fetch and carry (for) - прислуживать to fetch and carry news - распространять новости...

    centre 2. v. 
    • centre 2. v. 2) tech. центрировать; отмечать кернером - centre in - centre on - centre out - centre round - centre upon...

    press I 2. v. 
    • press I 2. v. 11) sport жать, выжимать штангу - press ahead - press down - press for - press forward - press in - into - press on - press out - press round - press to - press towards - press up - press upon - press the button Syn: see propel...

    roll over 
    • roll over а) перекатывать(ся); переворачивать(ся) The car hit a lamppost and rolled over twice before coming to a stop. The policeman rolled the body over... б) поворачиваться, ворочаться Every time I rolled over, I woke up because of my wounded knee. б) опрокинуть (кого-л.) roll round coll. покатываться со смеху; The public were difficult to amuse tonight, but this new performer soon had them rolling about....

    hand 2. v. 
    • hand 2. v. 3) помочь (войти, пройти) to hand a lady into a bus - помочь женщине сесть в автобус - hand down - hand in - hand on - hand out - hand over - hand round - hand up to hand it to smb. - а) признать чье-л. превосходство; б) дать высокую оценку...

    serve 1. v. 
    • serve 1. v. 14) naut. клетневать - serve as - serve for - serve on - serve out - serve round - serve with it serves him (her) right! - поделом ему (ей)! - serve a trick...

    step out 
    • step out а) выходить (особ. ненадолго); He's not in the office, he's just stepped out for a breath of fresh air; б) шагать большими шагами; прибавлять шагу; She steps out so actively that I have difficulty keeping up with her; в) мерить шагами; Step out ten feet and then put a marker in the ground; г) amer. coll. развлечься; She's really stepping out these days, isn't she?; д) coll. быть неверным (on); No one told him that she had been stepping out on him for over a year....

    count out 
    • count out а) опускать, пропускать б) исключить, не считать, не принимать во внимание Two of the men who want the job are unsuitable, so you can count them out. в) parl. отложить заседание из-за отсутствия кворума The House was counted out. г) amer. производить неверный подсчет избирателей He wasn't voted out, he was counted out. д) sport объявить боксера нокаутированным The old fighter was counted out at the end of the third round....

    drop off 
    • drop off а) расходиться б) уменьшаться Student numbers have been dropping off recently. Interest in the game has dropped off. в) заснуть I was sitting in the armchair reading the newspaper when I dropped off. I had a bad night. I went to bed early enough but for some reason I couldn't drop off. г) умереть д) оставить кого-л., что-л. Drop me off at the corner, and I'll walk from there. I just want to drop this letter off, I'll drop my coat off at the cleaners on my way to the office. е) ухудшаться The quality of performance has dropped off since last year....

    sharp 3. adv. 
    bracket 1. noun 
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