Российская Информационная Сеть


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    bring off 
    • bring off а) спасать The lifeboat brought off most of the shipwrecked sailors. б) (успешно) завершать Jim's plan seemed hopeless, but he brought it off. Jim was pleased when he brought off a seemingly hopeless attempt....

    psych out 
    • psych out amer. а) симпатизировать; разделять чувства; One of the first things a teacher has to do is to psych the children out. б) оказывать психическое воздействие; His attempt to psych out the other competitors seemed to work. в) разволноваться, разнервничаться, запсиховать; I psych out every time I enter an examination room. г) притворяться психом; Some men were able to get out of the army by psyching out....

    maiden 2. adj. 
    • maiden 2. adj. 4) первый; - maiden attempt - maiden battle - maiden flight - maiden voyage - maiden speech...

    carry off 
    • carry off а) уносить, уводить; похищать; захватывать to carry off a sentry mil. 'снять', захватить часового б) выигрывать (приз) Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races. в) скрашивать г) выдерживать though frightened he carried it off very well хотя он и испугался, но не показал вида д) coll. свести в могилу it was a daring attempt but he carried it off. This piano piece is difficult to carry off. е) извинять Quick thinking and ready speech may carry off a little daring....

    divided into 
    • divided into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть (руку куда-л.) Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

    dive into 
    • dive into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть руку куда-л. Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

    break through 
    • break through а) появляться (о солнце или луне) The sun broke through after days of rain. б) прорваться, пробиться Foreign forces have broken through on the coast. в) сделать важное открытие; добиться научных достижений; совершить прорыв Scientists think they have broken through in their attempt to find the causes of many major diseases. Now that women have broken through in the field of medicine, we can expect more women doctors. г) проломить; проложить дорогу сквозь что-то твердое We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners. д) преодолеть It was difficult at first to break through her quiet manner. We are now flying faster than the speed of sound; we've broken through the sound barrier....

    leave II v.; past and past part. left 
    • leave II v.; past and past part. left 9) прекращать; it is time to leave talking and begin acting - пора перестать разговаривать и начать действовать; leave it at that! coll. - оставьте!, довольно! - leave alone - leaveaside - leave behind - leave off - leave out - leave over - leave open to leave oneself wide open amer. подставить себя под удар to leave smth. in the air оставлять незаконченным (мысль, речь и т.п.) to leave smb. to himself не вмешиваться в чьи-л. дела it leaves much to be desired оставляет желать много лучшего to be/get (nicely) left coll. быть покинутым, обманутым, одураченным Syn: abandon, desert, forsake depart, go, retire, withdraw see quit Ant: keep, persevere in, stay at, stay in, stay with, stick to, stick with approach, come, remain...

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