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    antique 2. adj. 
    modern 1. adj. 
    • modern 1. adj. современный; новый; development on modern lines - модернизация - modern age - modern languages - modern school Syn: contemporary, current, present-day, recent, timely Ant: ancient, old-fashioned, outdated...

    hand on 
    • hand on а) передавать, пересылать The precious flame representing the spirit of the Games is handed on from runner to runner all the way from the original fire on the ancient mountain to the place where the Games are being held on this occasion. б) передавать по наследству, оставлять, передавать младшим поколениям Their custom has been handed ontousbyour great-grandfathers. The possession of language enables man to hand on his wisdom and experience to his children and grandchildren. в) передавать полномочия The time has come for me to hand on the chairmanship to a younger person....

    history noun 
    • history noun 2) прошлое, история that's ancient history! - это старая история!, это дело прошлое! - inner history of...

    old 1. adj.; comp. older, elder; superl. oldest, eldest 
    • old 1. adj.; comp. older, elder; superl. oldest, eldest 10) придает ласкательное/усилительное значение существительному - old boy - old thing - the old man - the old woman - old lady - an old shoe an old head on young shoulders мудрость не по возрасту - old bones - the old country old man of the sea человек, от которого трудно отделаться; прилипала - Old Harry - Old Gentleman - Old Nick to come the old soldier over smb. coll. поучать кого-л. Syn: aged,elderly,patriarchal,senile, superannuated, venerable see ancient Ant: adolescent, boyish, childish, girlish, juvenescent, young, youthful...

    go out 
    • go out а) выйти; выходить I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. б) бывать в обществе Let's go out tonight; there's a good film showing at the local cinema. в) выйти в свет (о книге) г) выйти в отставку д) выйти из моды I thought those ancient machines went out years ago! е) тратиться (о деньгах) There's more money going out than coming in, and I'm worried about the business. ж) кончаться (о месяце, годе) March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. з) (за)бастовать The Post Office workers went out before Christmas, now the electricians are out. I wonder who'll come out next? и) amer. обрушиться к) потерпеть неудачу If the government goes out at the next election, who will lead the country? л) распространяться (о новостях, приказах и т.д.) I thought the wedding invitations had all gone out, but my sister says she hasn't received hers. м) (об огне, свете и т.д.) догореть, погаснуть Have you a match? My cigarette has gone out. Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. н) умереть I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. о) выйти из берегов When the sea goes out, the sand stretches for a long way. п) терять сознание The robber hit him on the head with an iron bar, and he went out like a light....

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