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    recoup v. 
    • recoup v. 1) компенсировать, возмещать; to recoup a person for loss/damage - возмещать кому-л. убытки; Will you be recouped for your travelling costs while on the firm's business?...

    drive off 
    • drive off а) заставить отступить The army drove off the enemy with much effort and loss of life. б) сдерживать Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. This medicine will help to drive the disease off. The police used horses to drive the crowds off....

    sight 1. noun 
    • sight 1. noun 1) зрение; long sight - дальнозоркость; short/near sight - близорукость; loss of sight - потеря зрения, слепота...

    sell 1. v. 
    • sell 1. v. 1) продавать(ся); the house is to sell - дом продается; to sell like wildfire (или hot cakes) - быть нарасхват (о товаре); These leather coats should sell at/for $100. I don't want to sell the house at a loss....

    irreparable adj. 
    oven noun 
    curl up 
    • curl up а) скручивать(ся), сморщивать(ся) The snake curled up in the long grass. The leaves are curling up in the cold autumn air. б) coll. скрутить (о несчастье, горе и т. п.) в) испытать потрясение, потрясти кого-л. The fighter's well-aimed blow curled his opponent up. The loss of his business just curled him up. г) помирать со смеху Mary just curled up when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    compensate for 
    • compensate for а) компенсировать что-л. (о деньгах) The firmmust compensate you for your travelling costs. The city compensates owners for land taken from them for public building. б) уравнивать, компенсировать (что-л. плохое) A beautiful autumn day like this compensates for the wet summer we have had. The loss of money is more than compensated for by the joy of having free time. Meeting you unexpectedly certainly compensates for missing the train! Nothing could ever compensate me for losing my husband....

    benefit 1. noun 
    • benefit 1. noun 3) пенсия, (страховое) пособие - cash benefit - benefit in kind - unemployment benefit - sickness benefit to give smb. the benefit of the doubt - оправдать кого-л. за недостаточностью улик - benefit of clergy with benefit of clergy освященный церковью to take the benefit amer. объявить себя банкротом (эллиптически вм. to take the benefit of the bankruptcy laws) Syn: advantage, favour, gain, profit Ant: disadvantage, harm, loss...

    be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 
    • be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 7) как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом означает долженствование, возможность, намерение I am to inform you - я должен вас известить he is to be there now - он должен быть там сейчас - be about - be above - be above oneself - be above one - be above one's head - be abreast of - be after - be against - be ahead - be ahead of - be along - be amiss - be around - be at - be at attention - be at a dead end - be at each other's throats - be at ease - be at ease - be at an end - be hard at work - be at home - be at it - be at loggerheads - be at a loss - be at odds - be at pains - be away - be back - be before - be behind - be behind bars - be behind the times - be below - be beneath - be beneath contempt - be beneath smb.'s dignity - be beneath smb.'s notice - be beside - be beside oneself - be beside the point - be between - be beyond - be beyond endurance - be beyond a joke - be beyond one's ken - be beyond question - be beyond redemption - be down - be down as - be down for - be down for the count - be down on - be down on one's luck - be down to - be down with - be down in the dumps - be down in the mouth - be for - be hip to - be in - be in at - be in for - be in for it - be in for trouble - be in on - be in on the ground floor - be in with - be in accord with - be in harmony with - be in collision with - be in line with - be inside - be into - be off - be off to - be off with - be on - be on about - be on at - be on with - be onto - be onto a good thing - be out - be out for - be out from - be out in - be out in force - be out in large numbers - be out in strength - be out of - be over - be over and done with - be past - be round - be through - be under - be up - be up against - be up for - be up for grabs - be hard up for - be up to - be with - be within - be without - how are you? - be going - let be - be oneself I've been there coll. - все это уже известно you've been (and gone) and done it coll. - ну и наделали вы дел Syn: see exist...

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