Российская Информационная Сеть


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    inform v. 
    • inform v. 2) доносить (against/on - на кого-л.) The prisoner hoped to gain his own freedom by informing on his companions in the jewel robbery....

    contract 2. v. 
    • contract 2. v. 4) вступать (в брак, в союз с кем-л.) (with) The woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner, who already has a wife....

    plead v. 
    • plead v. 4) просить, умолять (кого-л.) (with), (о чем-л.) (for); The prisoner pleaded with the king for forgiveness. She went down on her knees, pleading for mercy....

    draw aside 
    • draw aside отводить в сторону Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the street. The crowd drew aside to let the prisoner pass....

    testify against 
    • testify against давать свидетельские показания против кого-л.; When so many people have testified against the prisoner, he stands little chance of going free....

    remand 2. v. 
    • remand 2. v. 1) leg. отсылать обратно под стражу (для продолжения следствия); The prisoner had to be remanded for a week while the missing witness was found....

    glean v. 
    • glean v. 2) тщательно подбирать, собирать по мелочам (факты, сведения) (from) Bit by bit the police gleaned the story behind the robbery from a few chance remarks by the prisoner....

    impart v. 
    • impart v. 2) сообщать, передавать (знания, новости) (to) The prisoner hoped, by imparting his companions' hiding place to the police, to escape punishment on his own account. Syn: see tell...

    bear out 
    • bear out подтверждать; подкреплять; поддерживать The prisoner's story was borne out by his wife. If I tell the judge that I wasn't there, will you bear me out?...

    piece out 
    • piece out составлять (целое из частей); The police had to piece out the prisoner's story with details obtained from other witnesses....

    level with 
    • level with говорить правду; At last the prisoner decided to level with the police and tell them the truth instead of all those lies....

    come clean 
    • come clean все признавать, говорить правду After hours of stating firmly that he was not guilty, the prisoner came clean and admitted to stealing the jewels....

    confer v. 
    • confer v. 2) обсуждать, совещаться (together, with) The prisoner asked permission to confer with his lawyer....

    redeem v. 
    • redeem v. 5) спасать, избавлять; освобождать; to redeem a prisoner - освободить заключенного; Only the young singer's performance redeemed the concert from complete failure....

    wear away 
    • wear away а) стирать(ся), постепенно уменьшать(ся), ослаблять(ся); All those years spent in prison have worn away the prisoner's resistance. б) медленно тянуться (о времени); Winter wore away slowly as she waited for his return....

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