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    pare v. 
    • pare v. 2) срезать корку, кожуру; чистить; обчищать; Pare the brown skin from the meat....

    hash out 
    • hash out выяснить, установить, выработать We must hash out the question of Mr Brown's appointment, which many of the directors are opposing....

    block in 
    • block in а) набрасывать вчерне Mr Brown has blocked in the plans for the house but has given no details. б) задерживать; блокировать Now that the well has run dry, we must block it in with bricks....

    sympathize v. 
    • sympathize v. 1) сочувствовать, выражать сочувствие (with); Weall sympathize with the Brown family about the loss of their son....

    saddle 1. noun 
    • saddle 1. noun 6) союзка (башмака); white shoes with brown saddles - белые туфли с коричневыми союзками...

    light I 2. adj. 
    Comb: up 
    • Comb: up а) наклеивать, склеивать; He was pasting up the holes in the glass with brown paper. б) расклеивать; to Comb: up notices расклеивать объявления...

    palette noun 
    • palette noun 2) палитра, цветовая гамма; He paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown....

    speak small 
    study 1. noun 
    come next 
    • come next а) следовать (во времени) Who came next after that king? Mrs Brown was the first to arrive, and her daughter came next. б) быть результатом Everyone moved to the cities looking for work, and the severe lack of housing came next. The military government refused to allow the people their right to vote, what came next was violence and lawlessness. в) быть следующим пунктом действий I've finished that little job. what comes next? г) иметь меньшее значение, чем что-л. My family come first, and my work comes next....

    whity- pref. 
    • whity- pref. в сложных словах светло-, беловато-; whity--brown - светло-коричневый...

    Holland noun 
    deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 
    • deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 5) быть клиентом, покупать в определенной лавке (at, with) I've been dealing at Brown's for twenty years....

    go to 
    • go to а) просить о чем-л. You have to go to the commanding officer for special permission to leave the camp. If you're so afraid of him, why don't you go to the police? б) выдаваться (о призах, деньгах) The house went to his wife after his death. The prize for growing the biggest potato goes to Mr and Mrs Brown, of the village of Little Digging. в) войти в какое-л. состояние Be quiet. Father has just gone to sleep. The nation seems ready to go to war with in old-time enemy. г) составлять в сумме In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling and 20 shillings to the pound, but since Britain changed to decimal money, 100 new pence go to the pound....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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