Российская Информационная Сеть


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    conditioned adj. 
    • conditioned adj. 2) кондиционный, отвечающий стандарту - well conditioned cattle...

    upgrade 3. 
    • upgrade 3. 3) mil. модернизировать; реконструировать - upgrade to upgrade to - повышать (до более высокого уровня); The farmers have been trying to upgrade their cattle to the required standard of meal...

    range 2. v. 
    • range 2. v. 4) бродить; странствовать, скитаться; рыскать (обыкн. range over, range through); The cattle range over many miles in search of food....

    fence 2. v. 
    • fence 2. v. 2) огораживать; загораживать; защищать (тж. fence about/around/round with; fence in) Starting a business of one's own is fenced about with laws and difficulties Farmers have to fence in their fields to keep the cattle from getting loose....

    pen up 
    • pen up а) запирать, заключать (в небольшом помещении); When all the cattle are safely penned up, we can stop work for the day. How long have you been penned up in the house by your illness? б) контролировать (обычно свои чувства); His anger had been pent up for so long that at last he exploded....

    herd 2. v. 
    • herd 2. v. 3) собирать вместе (тж. herd together) The cattle herded together to try to find some protection against the rain. It's terrible, the way people are herded together in rush hour trains, in conditions that wouldn't be allowed for animals!...

    kittle 1. adj. 
    rail I 2. v. 
    • rail I 2. v. 1) обносить перилами, забором, отгораживать (обыкн. rail in, rail off); The garden was railed off from the road. The farmers railed in their cattle and their land....

    rope in 
    • rope in а) окружать канатом The cattle are all roped in now. б) заманивать, втягивать, вовлекать; to rope smb. in втягивать кого-л. в предприятие; Who else can we rope in to organize the tour?...

    round up 
    • round up а) округлять с повышением (числа) I'll round the cheque up to $10. б) сгонять (скот) The cattle have to be rounded up and counted. в) собирать в одном месте See if you can round up the rest of the class, it's time to go back to the school. г) окружать, производить облаву The police are trying to round up the jewel thieves....

    head 1. noun 
    • head 1. noun 3) pl. invar. голова скота fifty head of cattle - пятьдесят голов скота...

    horned adj. 
    breeder noun 
    • breeder noun 1) тот, кто разводит животных - cattle breeder - sheep breeder...

    dairy noun 
    breeding noun 
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