Российская Информационная Сеть


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    delegate 2. v. 
    • delegate 2. v. 1) делегировать; уполномочивать; передавать полномочия (to) The chairman is unable to attend the meeting, so he has delegated his voting powers to the secretary....

    see against 
    • see against а) смотреть (на что-л.) на фоне (чего-л.) Jewels look best seen against a dark background. б) обдумывать, рассматривать (что-л.) в зависимости от (чего-л.), в связи с (чем-л.) The chairman's decision must be seen against the need for long talks and much enquiry....

    convict of 
    • convict of убедить в чем-л. It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs. At last the chairman was convicted of having made a wrong decision....

    slip over 
    • slip over amer.; coll. обмануть (с помощью хитрости, какого-л. трюка); You'll never slip that old trick over our chairman, he knows too much....

    seep in 
    • seep in доходить (о словах, мысли и т.п.) The chairman stopped speaking to allow time for the meaning of his remark to seep in....

    be at loggerheads 
    • be at loggerheads иметь резкие разногласия The chairman and his committee are still at loggerheads, and it seems impossible for them to reach an agreement....

    cotton to 
    • cotton to привлекать, нравиться The children cottoned to each other as soon as they met. The chairman didn't cotton to your suggestion, you'd better try your idea elsewhere....

    impart v. 
    • impart v. 1) давать, придавать (to) Only the chairman's strong control was able to impart some sense of seriousness to the meeting....

    intervene v. 
    • intervene v. 1) вмешиваться; вступаться (in) The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene in the disagreement between two of his committee members....

    slough over 
    • slough over считать маловажным; принижать значение (чего-л.) The chairman tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed....

    accredit v. 
    • accredit v. 1) уполномочивать to accredit an envoy - снабдить посланника полномочиями he was accredited to the chairman - его уполномочили для ведения переговоров с председателем...

    stand down 
    • stand down а) покидать свидетельское место (в суде); Thank you, you may now stand down; б) уступать свою позицию; I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I stood down....

    preface 2. v. 
    • preface 2. v. 2) начинать (by, with); предпосылать I shall preface my remarks by thanking the chairman....

    slide out 
    • slide out а) незаметно выскальзывать Can you slide out of the room without the chairman seeing you? б) ускользнуть, избежать (чего-л. нежелательного) You can't slide out of your responsibility in this matter....

    chop down 
    • chop down а) срубать The whole forest was chopped down to make room for the new airport. б) разрушать что-л. The committee members chopped down the chairman's opinion....

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