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    push in 
    • push in а) вталкивать, впихивать; We can't push any more people in, the bus is full! He tried to push more clothes in the case. б) грубо прерывать (разговор и т.п.); We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbour pushed in without being asked. в) приближаться к берегу push into а) вталкивать, впихивать (во что-л.); It's impossible to push any more people into this train! б) заставлять, принуждать (делать что-л.); She was unwilling to try, and had to be pushed into it. Some of the students had to be pushed into working for the examination....

    pass by 
    • pass by а) проходить мимо; So many people pass by and never notice the old lonely people. She passed close by me without a sign of recognition. б) оставлять без внимания, пропускать; to pass by in silence обходить молчанием; Thevoters passed him by and elected his opponent. We'll pass that matter by for the moment. в) проходить (о времени); A year passed by, and still she had not found a suitable job. г) быть известным (под именем); He passed by the name of Baker for many years, so avoiding discovery by the police....

    OAAPS Organization for Afro-Asian People`s Solidarity noun 
    • OAAPS Organization for Afro-Asian People's Solidarity noun Организация солидарности народов стран Азии и Африки, ОСНАА...

    NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People noun 
    • NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People noun Национальная ассоциация содействия прогрессу цветного населения (США)...

    work-people noun 
    most I 1. adj. 
    sit about/around 
    • sit about/around рассиживаться без дела It's lucky for some people, who can sit around (the house) with nothing to do....

    draw out 
    • draw out а) вытягивать, вытаскивать He put his hand in the drawer, and drew out a gun. б) выводить (войска) в) отряжать, откомандировывать г) набрасывать to draw out a scheme набросать план д) вызывать на разговор, допытываться I was able to draw his story out of him by patient questioning. е) затягиваться, продолжаться the speech drew out interminably речь тянулась без конца ж) увеличиваться (о днях) The days are drawing out now that it is spring. з) уходить When all the passengers were on hoard, the train drew out of the station. и) развивать The teacher helped to draw out the meaning of the poem. Plenty of money often draws out the worst in people. к) подбодрять Mary is very quiet; try to draw her out at the party. л) брать деньги с банковского счета I shall have to draw out some more money to pay all these people. м) удалять (зуб) This tooth really hurts: I may have to have it drawn out....

    war 2. v. 
    • war 2. v. obs. воевать (against); For years they have warred against the people from the neighbouring islands. - war down...

    rap with 
    • rap with coll. поговорить с кем-л. неформально; You can learn a lot by rapping with people you think might be your enemies....

    help up 
    • help up помочь встать, подняться, поддержать кого-л. People rushed to help the old man up when he slipped on the ice....

    run 2. v. 
    • run 2. v. 20) выставлять (свою) кандидатуру на выборах (for); More people are running for the city council....

    go forth 
    • go forth а) быть опубликованным б) bibl. отправляться в путешествие Go forth on your journey and take the true faith to the people....

    dam I 2. v. 
    • dam I 2. v. запруживать воду (часто dam up) The local people dammed up the river to make a lake for their water supply. - dam back - dam out...

    look for 
    • look for а) искать; The police and the villagers are out in the woods, looking for the missing child. б) ожидать, надеяться на; Many people who enjoy fast sports are looking for excitement....

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