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    sensible adj. 
    • sensible adj. 3) ощутимый, заметный; a sensible change for the better - заметное улучшение; a sensible rise in the temperature - значительное повышение температуры Syn: lucid, rational, reasonable, sane Ant: confused,impractical,incoherent,psychotic, unreasonable...

    confuse v. 
    • confuse v. 3) приводить в замешательство, смущать; сбивать с толку (with) The teacher confused the student with too many questions. My mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts....

    clear 1. adj. 
    • clear 1. adj. 8) ясный (об уме) to get away clear - отделаться - in clear - keep clear of Syn: definite, distinct, unmistakable see transparent Ant: blurred, confused, doubtful, foggy, fuzzy, muddled obscure, unclear, unintelligible, vague...

    demonstrate v. 
    • demonstrate v. 4) участвовать в демонстрации (against) The workers are holding a mass meeting with speeches and songs to demonstrate against the government's new law....

    compress 2. v. 
    • compress 2. v. сжимать; сдавливать (into) This machine can compress the paper into thick cardboard. It is going to be very difficult to compress this mass of material into a book of ordinary length....

    size I 1. noun 
    • size I 1. noun 5) coll. истинное положение вещей that's about the size of it - вот что это такое Syn: area, bulk, expanse, extent, mass, scope, volume...

    frame 2. v. 
    • frame 2. v. 3) вставлять в рамку; обрамлять (in) The photographs will look nice framed in black. Her face was framed in a mass of red hair. He stood, a threatening figure, framed in the doorway....

    gather 1. v. 
    • gather 1. v. 8) делать вывод, умозаключать I could gather nothing from his statement - я ничего не мог понять из его заявления - gather up Syn: assemble, collect, congregate, convene, mass, muster see accumulate Ant: disband, scatter, separate 2. noun; pl. сборки...

    pile I 1. noun 
    • pile I 1. noun 7) phys. ядерный реактор (тж. atomic pile) Syn: agglomeration, heap, mass...

    pants noun; pl.; abbr. of pantaloons 
    • pants noun; pl.; abbr. of pantaloons 3) aeron.; coll. обтекатели колес шасси - beat the pants off to catch with one's pants down coll. застать врасплох; I think we caught them with their pants down, they are a bit confused. - scare the pants off - frighten the pants off - wear the pants pantyhose noun amer. колготки...

    medium 1. noun; pl. -s dia 
    • medium 1. noun; pl. -s dia 1) средство, способ; through/by the medium of... - через посредство..; - medium of circulation - mass media...

    office noun 
    • office noun 7) церковная служба; обряд; - Office for the Dead - the Office of the Mass - the last offices...

    push through 
    • push through а) проталкивать(ся); пробиваться; to push the matter through довести дело до конца; The crowd was so thick that I had to push through (a mass of people) to reach my friend. б) coll. помочь (кому-л., чему-л.) пройти какое-л. испытание (тест, утверждение и т.п.); We shall need all the votes to push the new law through. His sister was a great help in pushing the student through....

    shove through 
    • shove through coll. а) проталкивать(ся); пробиваться; to shove the matter through довести дело до конца; The crowd was so thick that I had to shove through (a mass of people) to reach my friend. б) coll. помочь (кому-л., чему-л.) пройти какое-л. испытание (тест, утверждение и т.п.); We shall need all the votes to shove the new law through. His sister was a great help in shoving the student through....

    weapon noun 
    • weapon noun 1) оружие; fig. средство; weapon of mass destruction - оружие массового уничтожения...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
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