Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    pull together 
    • pull together а) работать дружно; We must all pull together if we are to win this election. б) refl. взять себя в руки; встряхнуться; собраться с духом; Pull yourself together, man, stop behaving like a baby....

    plough under 
    • plough under а) amer.; coll. разрушать, ликвидировать; All our hopes for winning the election were ploughed under when the votes were counted. б) запа- хивать; зарыть; When the forest was cleared, a lot of small branches were ploughed under....

    noise 2. v. 
    • noise 2. v. 1) разглашать; распространять; обнародовать (тж. noise abroad); Stories have been noised abroad about the government's intention to hold a quick election....

    parish noun 
    • parish noun 3) amer. (гражданский) округ; a closely fought parish council election; elected representatives, such as County and Parish Councillors...

    face about 
    • face about а) mil. поворачиваться кругом 'About face!' shouted the officer. The officer faced his men about. б) менять свое мнение The middle of an election is no time to face about....

    canvass v. 
    • canvass v. 2) собирать голоса перед выборами, вербовать сторонников перед выборами (за кого-л.) (for) I have to thank all my helpers who canvassed for me and helped me to win this election....

    snarl up 
    • snarl up а) приводить в беспорядок, путать, запутывать The wool has got all snarled up, so I shall have to cut it. б) сбить с толку, запутать; вызвать беспорядок There are various means of snarling up the opposition in this election. As there is no post, everyone uses the telephones, which has snarled up the whole system....

    go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 
    • go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 11) пройти, окончиться определенным результатом the election went against him - выборы кончились для него неудачно how did the voting go? - как прошло голосование? the play went well - пьеса имела успех...

    return 2. v. 
    • return 2. v. 8) избирать (в законодательный орган); The government hopes to be returned to power at the next election. The Member of Parliament was returned with an increased number of votes. to return like for like - отплатить той же монетой return swords! mil. - шашки в ножны!...

    be up against 
    • be up against иметь проблемы The firm is up against serious competition from the other company, and will have to double our efforts to succeed. be up for а) рассматриваться, учитываться, обсуждаться How many committee members are up for re-election this time? I've heard that your name is up for the chairmanship. б) выставляться на продажу How long has that house been up for sale? в) представать перед судом по обвинению в чем-л. I hear the gardener is up for the robbery at the big house....

    get back 
    • get back а) вернуть(ся) When did your neighbours get back from their holiday? б) возмещать (потерю, убытки) в) наказывать (кого-л. - at) Students have no way of getting back at a teacher who marks their work unfairly. We can get back at the government for their unfulfilled promises by voting against them at the next election. г) снова говорить по телефону (с кем-л. - to); I'll take advice on this matter and get back to you this afternoon....

    centre on 
    • centre on а) концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться вокруг чего-л. The village centred on its market square. The children always centre round the teacher at story time. б) сосредоточиваться на чем-л. The conversation centred on the election. The action of the play centres on the struggle between the two women....

    figure of speech 
    • figure of speech а) риторическая фигура б) преувеличение, неправда figure on amer.; coll. а) рассчитывать на; делать расчеты You can't figure on the results of the election. б) намереваться Do you figure on staying long in this city? в) ожидать If you figure on success, you stand a better chance of winning. I always figure on succeeding....

    quadrennial adj. 
    • quadrennial adj. 2) происходящий раз в четыре года; quadrennial election - выборы, происходящие каждые четыре года...

    set against 
    • set against а) поставить, положить (кого-л., что-л.) рядом с (чем-л., кем-л.) Set the sleeping child against his brother. I set the basket against the door. б) сравнивать, сопоставлять, противопоставлять Setting the results against those of the last election, we can see a clear improvement. We must set the cost against the advantages of the new invention. в) восстанавливать против кого-л. What have I ever done to set her against me? г) быть категорически против (чего-л.), противиться (чему-л.) to set oneself against (a proposal, etc.) решительно воспротивиться (принятию предложения и т. п.) Mary's father was set against the marriage from the beginning....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
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