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    stipulate for 
    • stipulate for выговаривать себе что-л.; The other firm are stipulating for an early exchange of information regarding the contract....

    ponder v. 
    • ponder v. обдумывать, взвешивать, размышлять (on, over, upon); The director is still pondering over the wisdom of accepting the contract. Syn: see study see think...

    quibble 2. v. 
    • quibble 2. v. 3) выискивать недостатки, придираться; If you're satisfied with the contract, why are you quibbling about the exact hours of work? Syn: see disagree...

    say 1. v. 
    • say 1. v. 4) приводить доводы, аргументы; свидетельствовать; to have nothing to say for oneself - не иметь, что сказать в свою защиту The villagers had plenty to say against the building of the new airport. Losing that contract doesn't say much for the directors skill in business....

    set forth 
    • set forth а) излагать, формулировать, объяснять; The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract. б) отправляться (в путешествие и т. п.) Setting forth on a journey meant a great deal of preparation. в) выставлять (напоказ) The wedding gifts were set forth for all to admire....

    enlarge v. 
    • enlarge v. 5) phot. увеличивать; поддаваться увеличению Syn: amplify, augment, expand, increase, magnify Ant: condense, contract, decrease, narrow, reduce, shorten...

    concern 2. v. 
    • concern 2. v. 3) refl. - заниматься, интересоваться чем-л. (in/with) The law firm was concerned in the building contract. Don't concern yourself with matters that are not your business....

    award 2. v. 
    • award 2. v. присуждать что-л.; награждать чем-л. to award a contract - сдать подряд на поставку товаров или на производство работ Syn: see give...

    slough over 
    • slough over считать маловажным; принижать значение (чего-л.) The chairman tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed....

    iron out 
    • iron out сглаживать, улаживать The board of directors are trying to iron out the difficulties connected with the new contract....

    extend v. 
    • extend v. 9) usu. pass.; sport напрягать силы Syn: draw out, elongate, lengthen, prolong, protract, stretch, widen Ant: contract, cut short, narrow, shorten, shrink, terminate, truncate...

    privy 1. adj. 
    • privy 1. adj. 2) посвященный (во что-либо) (to); privy to a contract - участвующий в контракте...

    valid adj. 
    • valid adj. 1) leg. действительный, имеющий силу; the contract is valid - договор в силе; the ticket is valid for a month - билет действителен в течение месяца...

    release 2. v. 
    • release 2. v. 2) избавлять; освобождать (от обязательств и т.п.) (from); Death at last released her from her pain. I wish to be released from my contract....

    subscribe v. 
    • subscribe v. 3) подписывать(ся) (под чем-л.) (to); I was unwilling to subscribe to the contract, but it seemed that I had no choice....

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