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    line I 1. noun 
    • line I 1. noun 21) comm. партия (товаров); the shop carries the best line of shoes - в этом магазине продается самая лучшая обувь; - first-class lines...

    wear I 1. noun 
    • wear I 1. noun 3) носка, носкость; there is still much wear in these shoes - эти ботинки еще будут долго носиться...

    buckle 2. v. 
    • buckle 2. v. 1) застегивать пряжку (тж. buckle up) Wendy can already buckle up her shoes although she's only six....

    shake 2. v. 
    • shake 2. v. 4) поколебать, ослабить - shake down - shake off - shake out - shake up - shake in one's shoes - shake a leg - shake the plum-tree Syn: quake, quiver, shiver, shudder, tremble...

    retail 2. v. 
    • retail 2. v. 1) продавать(ся) в розницу; This book retails at $10 overseas. Do you think that the shoes could retail for $30? We should be able to retail most of these products to overseas customers....

    another pron.; indef. 
    • another pron.; indef. 3) новый, еще один похожий another Shakespare - новый, новоявленный Шекспир another world - загробный, потусторонний мир another pair of shoes - совсем другое дело taken one with another - а) вместе взятые; б) в среднем another place parl. - другая палата...

    pair 1. noun 
    • pair 1. noun 2) вещь, состоящая из двух частей; парные предметы; пара; a pair of scissors (spectacles, compasses, scales) - ножницы (очки, циркуль, весы); a pair of socks (shoes, gloves) - пара носков (ботинок, перчаток)...

    pair 1. noun 
    • pair 1. noun 8) attr. парный a pair of hands - трудовой человек, работник; He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands. pair of lawn sleeves - епископ another pair of shoes - другое дело...

    kick off 
    • kick off а) сбросить (туфли и т.п.) Take your shoes off and leave them neatly, don't kick them off into a corner the way you usually do. б) sport вводить мяч в игру ударом с центра What time does this afternoon's game kick off? в) amer. начинать Who will kick off with the first question for our speaker? г) amer. sl. умереть I hear poor old Charlie has kicked off! д) уходить Well, I really must kick off now, I've stayed long enough. е) сломаться That old washing machine has kicked off again!...

    tennis noun 
    • tennis noun теннис to play tennis - играть в теннис - court tennis - lawn tennis - platform tennis - real tennis - squash tennis - table tennis - tennis shoes...

    lace 2. v. 
    get at 
    • get at а) добраться, достигнуть I can't get at the top branches, can you bring the ladder? б) дозвониться (по телефону) в) понять, постигнуть I cannot get at the meaning я не могу понять смысла г) coll. подкупать The prisoners escaped after getting at the guards to leave the gate open. д) coll. высмеивать е) открывать It is always difficult to get at the truth. ж) снова начинать работу I'd like to get at repainting the house as soon as the weather is suitable. з) предлагать What are you getting at? и) ругать, приставать с просьбами, надоедать She's always getting at the children for one thing or another. I feel I'm being got at. Stop getting at me to clean my shoes, I'll do them tonight....

    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 12) находиться в определенном положении; поставить в определенное положение; What an awkward position I'm now placed in! You placed me in an impossible position with your behaviour. - place aside - place out to place one's cards on the table - раскрыть свои карты to place a construction on - по-своему понимать, интерпретировать; Make sure that you don't place the wrong construction on his remark. to place smth. on one side - отложить; She placed her sewing on one side when the telephone rang. Tom placed his new book on one side for a year. to place in jeopardy - поставить под угрозу; The miners' refusal to work has placed in jeopardy the nation's supply of coal. toplaceoneselfinsmb.'s position/shoes - поставить кого-л. на чье-л. место; Place yourself in my position, and then perhaps you'll stop complaining. to place a call to - заказать разговор по телефону; Ask my secretary to place a call to Head Office in London, will you? Syn: see happen...

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