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arbiter noun
- arbiter noun 2) book. властитель, повелитель arbiter of our fate - вершитель нашей судьбы...
rave 1. v.
- rave 1. v. 2) неистовствовать (about, at, of, against); to rave against one's fate - проклинать судьбу; to rave oneself hoarse - договориться до хрипоты; In court, the prisoner raved about the unjust decision made by the judge regarding his guilt. The old man stood on a street corner, raving at his wife....
befall v.
- befall v. past befell; past part. befallen случаться, приключаться, происходить a strange fate befell him - странная судьба его постигла Syn: see happen...
tempt v.
- tempt v. 3) obs. испытывать, проверять; to tempt fate/providence - испытывать судьбу - tempt into Syn: allure, attract, beguile, entice, lure, seduce Ant: chill, dampen, discourage, dissuade, repel...
be beneath contempt
- be beneath contempt иметь невысокие моральные качества There is no excuse for him - his cruel treatment of his family is beneath contempt....
nasty adj.
- nasty adj. 5) опасный, угрожающий; things look nasty for me - дело принимает для меня дурной оборот to leave a nasty taste in the mouth - надолго оставить чувство омерзения; a nasty one - неприятность - nasty fall - nasty illness - nasty cut - nasty sea Syn: see cruel...
irony noun
- irony noun ирония the irony of it is that... - парадокс в том, что...; по злой иронии судьбы... - irony of fate - Socratic irony Syn: see ridicule...
crush down
- crush down а) смять; придавить If you walk in the farmer's field, be careful not to crush down any growing crops. б) раздробить This machine crushes the rock down so that it can be used for road building. в) подавить (восстание, оппозицию) The cruel king crushed down any sign of opposition from the people. The council has promised to crush down criminal activity in the city....
cower v.
- cower v. сжиматься, съеживаться(отстраха,холода)(тж.cower away/back/down/forward) The woman cowered away / back when the jewel thief pointed a gun at her. The dog cowered down when the man threatened him with a whip. The servant cowered forward when the cruel king ordered him to come near. Syn: see flinch...
abide v. ; past and past part. abode, obs. abided
- abide v. ; past and past part. abode, obs. abided 5) book. ждать, ожидать (покорно или пассивно) to abide the verdict of the judges - спокойно ждать решения судей to abide one's time - выждать подходящий момент to abide one's fate - (безропотно) ждать решения своей участи...
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