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    unbosom oneself 
    • unbosom oneself открывать душу; At last she decided to unbosom herself to her mother, and share her secret sorrow....

    splurge coll. 2. v. 
    • splurge coll. 2. v. 2) тратить деньги на что-л. (on); I decided to give myself a present, and really splurge on some new clothes....

    hive off 
    • hive off а) исчезать, уходить без предупреждения Where's Jim? I suppose he has hived off again. б) отделять(ся) The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived off from the firm into his own business. The business was becoming so large that the directors decided to hive off some parts of the work and start new firms....

    sign off 
    • sign off а) radio, tv подавать знак окончания передачи; It's time to sign off for the day; listen to us again tomorrow. б) coll. перестать разговаривать, замолчать I hope this speaker signs off soon, I'm tired of the sound of his voice. в) выйти из игры; отмежеваться (от кого-л., чего-л.) After ten years, I at last decided to sign off and go into business by myself....

    freak out 
    • freak out а) становиться возбужденным (особ. из-за наркотиков) Lots of people were at the party, drinking and smoking and generally freaking out. I nearly freaked out when she told me who he was. Don't get freaked out just because your parents are coming. You'd better sit down, this news will freak you out. б) вести себя необычно She used to be the most correct person, but then suddenly last year she decided to freak out....

    wade in 
    • wade in а) войти (в воду и т.п.); The toy boat is stuck in the middle of the lake, someone will have to wade in and fetch it. б) вступить (в спор, дискуссию, борьбу); ввязаться (в разговор); There were already five people fighting when your brother decided to wade in and join them; в) налететь, натолкнуться; г) coll. наброситься, накинуться; You should see the way those boys waded in the meal, as if they hadn't eaten for a week!...

    scrub round 
    • scrub round а) coll. прекратить, отложить (собрание, попытку что-л. сделать и т.п.) So few people came that we decided to scrub round the meeting б) coll. нарушить, обойти (правило) There's no way we can scrub round the entrance rules, you'll have to take the examination....

    combine 2. v. 
    • combine 2. v. 1) объединять(ся) против кого-л., чего-л. (against); с кем-л., чем-л. (with) убедить, обманом выманить The clever salesman cheated the old lady into (out of) giving him all her money. Small nations often have to combine against the power of a large one. Let us combine our two firms against our competitors. The members decided to combine the tennis club with the cricket club, forming one sports club. This chemical combines with air to form a liquid....

    clear out 
    • clear out а) очищать б) coll. разорять в) coll. внезапно уехать, уйти 'Clear out!' shouted the angry farmer to the boys in his field. The thieves took the jewels and then cleared out. The police cleared all the people out of the hotel after the bomb threat. г) выбрасывать I hope you've cleared out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time. д) уходить из дома When I was eighteen, I decided that it was time I cleared out....

    shoot up 
    • shoot up а) быстро расти; The boy has shot up this summer, I hardly recognized him! б) вскочить, взбежать, взлететь He ran towards the stairs and shot up in half a minute. в) взлетать, вздыматься (о пламени, ценах и т.п.); Flames shot up and burned my face. Prices have been shooting up even more quickly this year. г) mil. расстрелять; разрушить огнем; The castle was badly shot up during the war д) amer. coll. терроризировать (жителей) стрельбой The robbers decided to shoot up the town to stop the people from chasing them. е) sl. вводить в вену (наркотик) More than half the students in this school are shooting up regularly....

    pull back 
    • pull back а) отдергивать, оттаскивать, оттягивать; He pulled the curtain back and looked down into the street. The mother putted the child back from the flames just in time. б) отступать; отводить (войска); The crowd pulled back to let the firemen through. We decided to pull back our forces and try to advance again tomorrow. в) сократить расходы; With the reduction in the money allowed, we shall have to pull back on our spending. г) mus. замедлять темп; When you sing this song, try not to pull back as it makes it dull. д) naut. табанить pull baker! поднажми!, давай!, a ну еще! (возгласы одобрения на состязаниях)...

    clear off 
    • clear off а) отделываться от чего-л. б) проясняться (о погоде) In the afternoon, the mist cleared off and the rest of the day was fine. в) coll. убираться just clear off at once! убирайтесь немедленно! г) убирать, устранять кого-л., что-л. Please clear your papers off so that I can serve dinner. д) убирать со стола Please help your mother to clear off. Please help your mother to clear off the table. е) полностью заплатить долг I'm glad I've cleared off the money I owed my mother. ж) дешево продать товар The shop decided to clear off the summer clothes when the new winter fashions arrived. з) заканчивать что-л. I'd like to clear off the rest of the work which was waiting for me after my holiday....

    put put in 
    • put put in а) вставлять, всовывать; Put your hand in and see what's in the box. б) сажать, высаживать; You ought to put potatoes in there. в) подавать (заявление, жалобу и т.п.); I'll put in a claim for damages, if you will put in your special request. г) вводить (в действие); to put in the attack предпринять наступление; д) включать, добавлять; Tom decided to put in a new character, to make the story seem more likely. е) прерывать разговор, вставлять (слова) в разговор; "But wait," Jane put in, "I haven't finished my story." ж) напрягать (силы), прилагать усилия; It's worth putting in a lot of effort, in order to improve your English. If you put more effort in your work, you'd see better results. з) coll. проводить время (за каким-л. делом); I put in two hours on my English studies every day. и) ставить, назначать на должность; The new owners put a man in to look after the building at night. The captain hopes to be put in command of a bigger ship. к) устанавливать аппаратуру; How much does it cost to put in central heating? л) выдвинуть свою кандидатуру, претендовать (for); Have you put yourself in for the competition? м) выбрать (кандидата или партию); Put our party in and we will make this country fit to live in. н) naut. заходить в порт; вставать на рейде; The ship has just put in (to the harbour). о) входить; появляться; If your opponent in this case does not put in an appearance, you will win. I don't really want to go to the party, but I'd better put in an appearance, if only for a short time....

    play 2. v. 
    • play 2. v. 25) dial. бастовать - play about - play along - play around - play back - play down - play in - play off - play on - play out - play over - play through - play up - play upon - play up - play up to to play smb. up - а) капризничать, приставать; б) разыгрывать (кого-л.); в) amer. использовать to play it by ear - принимать решение на месте, в зависимости от обстоятельств; to play it cool - вести себя спокойно, не суетиться - play for time - play hell - play havoc - play the devil - play the mischief to play one's cards well использовать обстоятельства наилучшим образом to play one's hand for all it is worth полностью использовать обстоятельства; пустить в ход все средства to play into the hands of smb. сыграть на руку кому-л. to play it low on smb. coll. подло поступить по отношению к кому-л. to play smb. for a fool amer. строить из кого-л. дурака to play smb. like a fish контролировать (кого-л.), легко управлять (кем-л.); The secret of the speaker's success was his ability to play his opponent like a fish. to play a trick on smb. надуть, обмануть кого-л. to play games with smb. amer. обманывать кого-л. to play to the gallery работать на публику - play politics - play ball to play both ends against the middle в собственных интересах натравливать друг на друга play (the) wag увиливать от занятий, прогуливать play a part а) играть роль; б) притворяться; play a winning game а) играть наверняка; б) действовать наверняка play about а) играть, забавляться; The seashore was full of children, playing about in the sand. б) манипулировать; Many important discoveries have been made by scientists playing around with unusual combinations of chemicals. в) coll. флиртовать, заводить любовную интрижку; I warned you not to play around with married women, it always leads to trouble. play along а) подыгрывать, поддакивать; We'll play along withhis suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted. б) тянуть, оттягивать время; The committee decided to play her along for a time, hoping to obtain her services for lower pay....

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