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    communicate v. 
    • communicate v. 1) сообщать; передавать кому-л. (to), о чем-л. (about/on The two nations' leaders were unable to communicate on methods of limiting atomic explosions. You have a duty as a scientist to communicate your discovery to the world....

    deter v. 
    • deter v. удерживать (from - от чего-л.); отпугивать (from) Nothing will deter him from success. Will atomic weapons deter powerful nations from war? Bad weather did not deter us from going out. Syn: see discourage...

    nation noun 
    antiquity noun 
    • antiquity noun 2) классическая древность, античность the nations of antiquity - народы древнего мира...

    contend v. 
    • contend v. 3) спорить о чем-л. (about/over) The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters. The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the beautiful boy. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children....

    brotherhood noun 
    • brotherhood noun 2) братские, дружескиеотношенияthe brotherhood of nations - братство народов...

    nation noun 
    • nation noun 2) нация, государство, страна; peace-loving nations - миролюбивые страны; most favoured nation comm. - наиболее благоприятствуемая нация...

    commonwealth noun 
    • commonwealth noun 1) государство, республика; содружество, федерация - the British commonwealth of Nations - the Commonwealth - the Commonwealth of England...

    assembly noun 
    charter 1. noun 
    • charter 1. noun 1) хартия, грамота - The Great Charter - The People's Charter - United Nations Charter...

    point up 
    • point up а) заострять, придавать остроту, усиливать; The writer has pointed up his story with an effective use of local scenery. Recent world figures of average incomes point up the ever-widening distance between rich and poor nations. б) делать грубым, шероховатым; This wall should be pointed up, it will help to make the cement stick....

    covenant 1. noun 
    • covenant 1. noun 2) leg. договор; отдельная статья договора Covenant of the League of Nations hist. - статья Версальского договора об учреждении Лиги наций...

    combine 2. v. 
    • combine 2. v. 1) объединять(ся) против кого-л., чего-л. (against); с кем-л., чем-л. (with) убедить, обманом выманить The clever salesman cheated the old lady into (out of) giving him all her money. Small nations often have to combine against the power of a large one. Let us combine our two firms against our competitors. The members decided to combine the tennis club with the cricket club, forming one sports club. This chemical combines with air to form a liquid....

    comity noun 
    come to 
    • come to а) прийти в себя, очнуться (тж. to come to oneself) The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw drops of water on her face. б) доходить до to come to blows дойти до рукопашной it came to my knowledge я узнал to come to find out случайно обнаружить, узнать, выяснить to come to good иметь хороший результат to come to no good испортиться в) стоить, равняться г) придти в хорошее расположение духа Father was in a very bad temper this morning, but he had come to by dinner time. д) (о корабле и т.д.) приводить(ся) к ветру Take the wheel, see if you can make her come to. е) (о корабле и т.д.) становиться на якорь As the wind dropped, the boat came to. ж) превращаться What is the world coming to? It is to be hoped that the quarrel between the two nations will not come to war. з) вспоминаться Suddenly it came to me where I had seen her before. и) получать в наследство The house came to me after my father's death. к) иметь своим результатом что-л. I'm disappointed that my efforts have come to so little. All his plans came to nothing. л) добиваться успеха The boy has no character, he will never come to much. м) дойти до чего-л. Has he come to this? He came to selling matches. н) значить что-л. His speech comes to this: the country is deeply in debt....

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