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    plant I 2. v. 
    • plant I 2. v. 11) coll. подбрасывать; I didn't steal these jewels, they've been planted on me....

    string together 
    bump off 
    • bump off amer.; sl. устранить силой; убить The old man who owned the jewels was bumped off by the thieves....

    make off 
    • make off убежать, удрать (с награбленным); The police chased them, but the thieves made off with the jewels....

    depose v. 
    • depose v. 2) leg. свидетельствовать, давать показания под присягой (to - о чем-л.) The witness deposed to having seen the two men steal the jewels....

    smuggle v. 
    • smuggle v. 1) провозить контрабандой (обыкн. in, out, through); Some of these jewels have been smuggled in. For years he has been smuggling watches through customs....

    snap on 
    • snap on (неожиданно) включать (свет) The policeman snapped the light on and caught the thief stealing the jewels....

    see against 
    • see against а) смотреть (на что-л.) на фоне (чего-л.) Jewels look best seen against a dark background. б) обдумывать, рассматривать (что-л.) в зависимости от (чего-л.), в связи с (чем-л.) The chairman's decision must be seen against the need for long talks and much enquiry....

    confide v. 
    • confide v. 2) вверять; поручать (to) You had better confide your jewels to the bank in future. The boy was confided to the care of his aunt....

    come clean 
    • come clean все признавать, говорить правду After hours of stating firmly that he was not guilty, the prisoner came clean and admitted to stealing the jewels....

    keep together 
    be inside 
    • be inside находиться в тюрьме It can't have been Baker who stole the jewels, he's still inside....

    be at a loss 
    • be at a loss быть неспособным сказать/сделать что-л. The shock was so great that for a moment I was at a loss for words. We were at a loss to know what to do when the jewels were stolen....

    finish 2. v. 
    • finish 2. v. 4) прикончить, убить, разрушать (тж. finish off) This last bombing should finish off the town. The old man who owned the jewels was finished off by the thieves....

    conceal v. 
    • conceal v. 1) скрывать; утаивать, умалчивать (from) You cannot conceal your guilt from the police. The child tried to conceal himself from the teacher. The thieves thought that they had concealed the jewels from discovery....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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