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    commute v. 
    • commute v. 5) совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода (between) My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. My father used to commute the ten miles between his home in the country awl his office in the city....

    square up 
    • square up а) расплатиться, урегулировать расчеты (с кем-л.); Give me a minute to square up, and I'll meet you outside the hotel; б) изготовиться к бою (о боксере); When I saw the two brothers squaring up, I ran home to warn mother that their threats to fight each other were real; в) готовиться, считаться, учитывать (to); Young fathers have heavy responsibilities that they must square up to....

    pot 2. v. 
    • pot 2. v. 4) сажать или пересаживать в горшок (цветы и т.п.); Father is potting up his favourite indoor plants....

    up 1. adv. 
    • up 1. adv. 5) указывает на близость или сходство; he is up to his father as a scientist - как ученый он не уступает своему отцу...

    run after 
    • run after а) преследовать, бежать за (кем-л., чем-л.) Run after your father, he's forgotten his hat. б) бегать, ухаживать за кем-л. All the girls are running after the attractive new student....

    take after 
    • take after а) походить на кого-л.; The boy takes after his father. б) подражать; в) погнаться, преследовать; The policeman dropped his load and took after the criminal, but failed to catch him....

    come to 
    • come to а) прийти в себя, очнуться (тж. to come to oneself) The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw drops of water on her face. б) доходить до to come to blows дойти до рукопашной it came to my knowledge я узнал to come to find out случайно обнаружить, узнать, выяснить to come to good иметь хороший результат to come to no good испортиться в) стоить, равняться г) придти в хорошее расположение духа Father was in a very bad temper this morning, but he had come to by dinner time. д) (о корабле и т.д.) приводить(ся) к ветру Take the wheel, see if you can make her come to. е) (о корабле и т.д.) становиться на якорь As the wind dropped, the boat came to. ж) превращаться What is the world coming to? It is to be hoped that the quarrel between the two nations will not come to war. з) вспоминаться Suddenly it came to me where I had seen her before. и) получать в наследство The house came to me after my father's death. к) иметь своим результатом что-л. I'm disappointed that my efforts have come to so little. All his plans came to nothing. л) добиваться успеха The boy has no character, he will never come to much. м) дойти до чего-л. Has he come to this? He came to selling matches. н) значить что-л. His speech comes to this: the country is deeply in debt....

    derive v. 
    • derive v. 4) наследовать he derives his character from his father - он унаследовал характер отца...

    poison 3. v. 
    • poison 3. v. 2) портить, развращать; The mother had poisoned the children's minds against their father....

    notify v. 
    • notify v. 1) извещать, уведомлять (of); Have the police been notified of your father's death?...

    storm 2. v. 
    • storm 2. v. 3) стремительно нестись, проноситься (in); The door flew open, and father stormed in, in a very bad temper....

    shelter 2. v. 
    • shelter 2. v. 3) спрятаться, укрыться (under, in, from); He always sheltered himself behind his father's authority....

    come in for 
    • come in for а) приходить за чем-л. I've come in for my other coat. Do come in for dinner. б) получить долю (чего-л.) Henry came in for a large share of his father's fortune. в) навлекать на себя; заслужить The eldest sister always came in for much of the blame....

    remonstrate v. 
    • remonstrate v. 2) убеждать, увещевать (with - кого-л.); Father remonstrated with the children about the noise they were making, but it didn't make much difference....

    favour 2. v. 
    • favour 2. v. 5) coll. быть похожим the boy favours his father - мальчик похож на отца favoured by smb. - переданное кем-л. (письмо)...

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