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     выборка описание
    fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 
    fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 
    • fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 16) рубить (лес); валить (дерево); валиться (о дереве) - fall about - fall abreast of - fall across - fall among - fall apart - fall away - fall back - fall behind - fall below - fall down - fall flat - fall for - fall foul - fall in - fall into - fall off - fall on - fall out - fall over - fall through - fall to - fall under - fall upon - fall within - fall in love he falls in and out of love too often он непостоянен в любви to fall on one's face провалиться с треском, оскандалиться to fall to pieces развалиться to fall from grace а) согрешить; б) впасть в ересь to fall into line mil. построиться, стать в строй to fall into line with подчиняться, соглашаться с - fall foul of - fall over oneself to fall over one another, to fall over each other драться, бороться, ожесточенно соперничать друг с другом let fall! naut. отпускай! Syn: see decrease...

    be above one 
    • be above one быть слишком сложным для чьего-л. понимания I wanted to hear the speaker, but most of what he said was above my head, so I fell asleep....

    jib at 
    • jib at а) колебаться (сделать что-л.) The horse jibbed at the high fence and the rider fell off. б) выказывать нерасположение к чему-л., кому-л....

    pitch II 2. v. 
    fall through 
    • fall through провалиться; потерпеть неудачу The plan fell through when it proved too costly....

    entomb v. 
    • entomb v. 1) погребать (in) The miners were entombed in the cave when the roof fell in....

    scrabble v. 
    • scrabble v. 3) карабкаться; The climber scrabbled about wildly for a handhold, but missed and fell to his death....

    fall about 
    • fall about coll. падать от хохота All the guests fell about (laughing) when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    crush in 
    • crush in повредить, ранить The heavy steel beam fell, crushing the workman's head in. The car door was crushed in during the accident....

    bellow 2. v. 
    • bellow 2. v. 1) мычать, реветь (о животных); орать The bull has been bellowing out all morning. The fireman bellowed out a warning as the burning roof fell....

    muffle 2. v. 
    • muffle 2. v. 1) закутывать, окутывать (часто muffle up); And in his mantle muffling up his face...great Caeser fell....

    pant 1. v. 
    • pant 1. v. 5) говорить задыхаясь; выпаливать (обыкн. pant out); The runner panted out his message, then fell unconscious to the ground....

    be above one`s head 
    • be above one's head быть слишком сложным для чьего-л. понимания I wanted to hear the speaker, but most of what he said was above my head, so I fell asleep....

    crumple v. 
    • crumple v. 3) свалиться, рухнуть (тж. crumple up) A shot was fired; the man crumpled up and fell dead....

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