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    par excellence fr. adv. 
    • par excellence fr. adv. по преимуществу; главным образом; в особенности; Bresson is par excellence the Catholic film-maker....

    educational adj. 
    • educational adj. образовательный; воспитательный; учебный, педагогический - educational film...

    thread 2. v. 
    • thread 2. v. 6) to thread a film into the camera cin. - заряжать аппарат кинолентой...

    portray v. 
    • portray v. 3) играть, изображать, представлять (кого-л.) на сцене или в кино; It is still not considered proper to portray Christ in a play or film. Syn: delineate, depict, describe, represent, sketch...

    bespangle v. 
    • bespangle v. осыпать блестками the bespangled sky - усеянное звездами небо The cover of the film magazine was bespangled with stars showing actresses' photographs....

    cut back 
    • cut back а) cin. повторить данный ранее кадр (обычно в воспоминаниях и т. п.) The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons. б) сокращать The factory's production has been cut back....

    hit 1. noun 
    • hit 1. noun 5) спектакль, фильм, роман и т.п., пользующийся успехом; 'гвоздь' сезона; бестселлер; модный шлягер the film was quite a hit - фильм имел большой успех...

    be before 
    • be before а) быть, жить раньше, чем что-л., кто-л. King Henry VII was before Queen Elizabeth I. б) предшествовать чьему-л. рождению No, I don't remember that film, it was before my time. During the war - but that was before your time, of course-it was difficult to get enough eggs. в) обвиняться Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk....

    talking adj. 
    dub in 
    • dub in озвучивать The music was dubbed in afterwards. If you make a film in one language and want people in other countries to understand it, you can dub in the voices of other actors speaking the other language, matching the words as nearly as possible to the movements of the original actors' mouths....

    click with 
    • click with а) быть к месту Her joke clicked with us and we all laughed. б) пользоваться успехом у кого-л. That film has really clicked with the young people - they're all going to see it. в) нравиться Jim and Mary clicked with each other as soon as they met....

    painterly adj. 
    • painterly adj. живописный, относящийся к живописи; his painterly talents; the film has a painterly eye...

    horror noun 
    • horror noun 4) attr. a horror film (novel) - фильм (роман) ужасов - the horrors Syn: see fear...

    atrocity noun 
    • atrocity noun 3) coll. что-л. ужасное, отвратительное that film is an atrocity - это просто ужасный фильм...

    filter out 
    • filter out а) не обращать внимания The child was able to filter out the noises surrounding him, as he was so busy in his play. б) становиться известным The news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised. в) медленно выходить (о группе людей) People are filtering out of the cinema; the film must be over....

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