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    doubt 2. v. 
    • doubt 2. v. 1) сомневаться, иметь сомнения; быть неуверенным, колебаться (of) How can you doubt of the firm's future?...

    reimburse v. 
    • reimburse v. возвращать, возмещать, покрывать (сумму); The firm will reimburse you for any travelling costs. The cost of your journey will be reimbursed to you....

    chip away 
    • chip away урезывать; сокращать (at) The new director learned to chip away at the firm's methods, rather than try to change everything at once....

    chisel out 
    • chisel out надувать, обманывать You mean the firm found a way to chisel you out of your overtime pay? There'll be trouble with the union now!...

    recompense 2. v. 
    • recompense 2. v. вознаграждать; компенсировать; отплачивать; The firm will recompense you for any travelling costs....

    retrieve 1. v. 
    • retrieve 1. v. 7) спасать; Only great efforts can retrieve the firm from ruin. Syn: see recover...

    expand v. 
    • expand v. 3) развивать(ся) (into) The director plans to expand the firm into an international company....

    beat smb. to it 
    • beat smb. to it выиграть соревнование We got our product onto the market as fast as we could, but the other firm still beat us to it!...

    repay v. 
    • repay v. 4) возмещать (ущерб, расходы); The firm will repay you for your travelling costs....

    stop on 
    • stop on а) оставаться (в том же месте, в той же школе и т.п.); I've been asked to stop on at the firm after the usual age; б) продолжать работать (об электричестве); Something's wrong, I switched the radio off but it stopped on!...

    flimsy 2. adj. 
    • flimsy 2. adj. 3) неосновательный, шаткий flimsy argument - неубедительный довод Syn: frail, insubstantial, tenuous Ant: firm, rugged, solid, sturdy, substantial, tough...

    compete v. 
    • compete v. 1) состязаться, соревноваться против кого-л., чего-л. (against) Jim competed against the world's best runners in the Games, and did well to come third. The firm is too small to compete against large international companies....

    institute 2. v. 
    • institute 2. v. 2) начинать, назначать (расследование и т.п.) (against) The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls and paid its workers more than is allowed under the new law....

    dispatch 2. v. 
    • dispatch 2. v. 1) посылать; отсылать, отправлять по назначению (to) The young soldier was dispatched to a distant island to help govern the natives. The firm will dispatch the goods to London....

    raise 1. v. 
    • raise 1. v. 7) повышать (в звании, должности); to raise a man to the peerage - пожаловать кому-л. титул пэра; Any worker who makes a useful suggestion to the firm will be raised to a higher position....

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