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    pantomime 1. noun 
    • pantomime 1. noun 4) представление, фарс; The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill....

    bean noun 
    arduous adj. 
    • arduous adj. 2) крутой, труднодоступный an arduous hill - крутая гора, крутой подъём...

    locust noun 
    mountain noun 
    • mountain noun 4) attr. горный; нагорный the mountain in labour, the mountain has brought forth a mouse - гора родила мышь to make a mountain out of a molehill - делать из мухи слона; преувеличивать Syn: cliff, hill, hillock, plateau, precipice, promontory, range Ant: plain...

    cook off 
    • cook off а) остужать A rest in the shade will cool you off. We had to stop at the top of the hill and wait for the engine to cool off. б) успокаивать(ся) She didn't cool off for hours after that argument. I tried to cool her off but she was still very angry when she left. в) остывать к кому-л., чему-л. He used to say he loved me, but recently he seems to have cooled off. I liked your offer at first, but now I have cooled off....

    cook down 
    • cook down а) остывать, остужать A rest in the shade will cool you down. We had to stop at the top of the hill and wait for the engine to cool down. б) успокаивать(ся) Don't try to argue with your father till he's cooled down. A small payment now will cool his anger down. в) остывать к кому-л., чему-л. He used to say he loved me, but recently he seems to have cooled down. I liked your offer at first but now I have cooled down....

    poop IV v. amer.; coll. 
    • poop IV v. amer.; coll. 2) выдыхаться; увядать (тж. poop out); Don't ask me to move, I'm pooped out. Half-way up the hill, the engine pooped out....

    peg out 
    • peg out а) отмечать колышками (участок); The builders have pegged out the land for the house. Have you pegged out your claim yet? б) убить шар (в крокете в конце игры); в) coll. выдохнуться; потерять сознание; умереть; выйти из строя (о машине); Two of the climbers pegged out before they reached the top of the mountain. The engine pegged out halfway up the hill. г) coll. разориться; быть разоренным д) повесить (белье) на прищепках; It's a lovely windy day, help me to peg out the washing....

    cut out 
    • cut out а) вырезать; кроить б) вытеснять Mary was going to marry Charles but Jim cut him out. The big now store is going to cut all the small shops out. в) naut. отрезать судно от берега г) electr. выключать We were halfway up the hill when the engine cut out. The heating cuts out when the room reaches a certain temperature. д) cards выходить из игры е) прекратить что-л. делать The doctor told my husband to cut out meat from his food. I wish she would cut out that stupid behaviour. ж) вычеркнуть кого-л. из сознания He cut his brother out (of his will) after their quarrel. з) выходить из своего ряда (об автомобилях) It's dangerous to cut out when all the cars are moving fast....

    get up 
    • get up а) вставать, подниматься (тж. на гору) The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up. б) садиться (в экипаж, на лошадь) в) усиливаться (о пожаре, ветре, буре) There's a wind getting up. I hope the boats are safe. г) дорожать (о товарах) д) подготавливать, осуществлять; оформлять (книгу); ставить (пьесу) The children are getting up a play for next week. е) гримировать, наряжать; причесывать to get oneself up тщательно одеться, вырядиться Mary got herself up in a nice new dress. ж) поднимать (якорь) з) вспугнуть дичь и) усиленно изучать что-л. How quickly can you get up this piece for the concert? I have to get up a talk for the club's next meeting. к) раздражать, наживать себе врага (against) I hope you don't get up against the director in one of his bad tempers. л) доходить до чего-л. (to) The history lessons get up to the year 1642 and then stop м) выкинуть, сделать что-л. плохое или странное (to) Whatever will the students get up to next? Has that cat been getting up to its silly tricks again?...

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