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    snap out 
    • snap out а) говорить резко, грубо The passenger snapped out a warning, and the driver was able to stop just in time to avoid the accident. б) (of) выходить из какого-л. состояния; освободиться, избавиться (от плохого настроения и т.п.) If I could snap out of this sadness, don't you think I would?...

    bowl over 
    • bowl over а) сбить Someone ran round the corner and nearly bowled me over. In the accident, the car bowled over three times but the driver escaped unhurt. б) fig. привести в замешательство Your sudden news has quite bowled me over....

    slam on 
    • slam on а) торопливо надвинуть, нахлобучить He slammed on his hat and ran out of the house. б) нажать резко, торопливо The driver slammed on the brakes but failed to stop in time....

    commercial 1. adj. 
    • commercial 1. adj. торговый, коммерческий - commercialaviation - commercial interests - commercial law - commercial traveller - commercial treaty - commercial vehicle - commercial driver - commercial broadcast - commercial telecast...

    pull up 
    • pull up а) останавливать(ся); The driver pulled the bus up only just in time to avoid hitting the child. б) сдерживаться; to pull oneself up собираться с силами; брать себя в руки; в) осаживать; делать выговор; The director pulled Jim up for being late again today. г) идти впереди других или наравне с другими (в состязаниях); Once he gets his breath, he'll soon pull up to the leading runner. д) coll. исправлять, улучшать, совершенствовать (знания и т. п.); You'll have to pull up your English....

    patch 2. v. 
    • patch 2. v. латать; ставить заплаты; hills patched with snow - холмы, местами покрытые снегом - patch up а) чинить на скорую руку; заделывать; подправлять; His trousers were patched up, and he was ashamed of them. б) улаживать (ссору); Have Jim and Mary patched up their quarrel yet? The director and the chairman seem to have patched up their differences of opinion. в) делать что-л. небрежно г) coll. подштопать, заштопать, подлечить; After the car crash, the driver was taken to the hospital to be patched up....

    clap on 
    • clap on а) быстро надевать что-л. He clapped on his hat and ran out of the house. б) делать резкое движение, рывок The driver clapped on the brakes but failed to stop in time. в) naut. приводить в действие, использовать The captain ordered his men to clap on more sail. г) похлопывать He clapped his old friend on the shoulder in greeting. д) to clap on to smb. подсунуть кому-л. (что-л.) е) увеличивать цену When the new tax laws were passed, the taxpayers found that the government had clapped another 5% on cigarettes....

    pin 2. v. 
    • pin 2. v. 3) придавить, прижать (к стене и т.п.) (against); связать (кого-л.); - pin down to The crash pinned the driver against the wheel. Pinning his arms against his sides, the thieves searched his pockets. - pin down - pin on to pin one's ears back - слушать внимательно; Pin back your ears, people, this is quite a story! to pin smb.'s ears back amer.; sl. - наказать кого-л.; расправиться с кем-л.; The other team won a victory over us that really pinned our ears back. The teacher's severe words pinned the children's ears back....

    bear down 
    • bear down а) преодолевать б) naut. подходить по ветру в) устремляться (upon - к); набрасываться, нападать (upon - на кого-л.) г) влиять д) наносить поражение, разбивать His determined efforts at last bore down all opposition. е) прилагать усилия The driver bore down with all his strength to control the car when the wheel stuck. ж) подходить близко к чему-л. With the wind blowing strongly behind, the little boat bore down on the harbour. з) возлагаться на кого-л. The responsibility for his family bears down on a young man. и) строго наказывать кого-л. The courts must bear down on young criminals....

    driving license noun 
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