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    fall out 
    • fall out а) выпадать The wind blew so strongly that the nest turned upside down and three baby birds fell out. б) mil. выходить из строя The officer will fall the soldiers out when he has finished speaking to them. в) случаться it so fell out that случилось так, что г) ссориться Jim and Mary fall out every few weeks, but their quarrels never last. Most married people fall out over 0money. When did you last fall out with your husband?...

    come between 
    • come between а) пытаться развести, разделить кого-л. Never come between husband and wife. It is dangerous to come between two fighting dogs. б) мешать кому-л. The true artist lets nothing come between himself and his work. come by а) проходить мимо Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home. My teacher came by just as we were talking about him. Move aside, please, the firemen want to come by. б) доставать, достигать How did you come by that beautiful picture? A good job that you enjoy doing is hard to come by. в) amer. заходить Why don't you, come by some afternoon and have coffee with me? г) получать что-л. (особенно случайно) How did you come by that wound on your arm?...

    repent II v. 
    • repent II v. раскаиваться; сокрушаться; сожалеть; I repent - я раскаиваюсь; I repent me (it repents me) that I did it obs. - сожалею, что сделал это; you shall repent (of) this - вы раскаетесь в этом, вы пожалеете об этом; he has nothing to repent of - ему не в чем раскаиваться; I deeply repent of having deceived my husband. The priest urged the people to repent of their wickedness....

    charge 2. v. 
    • charge 2. v. 5) записывать в долг (to) Charge the goods to my account. Charge the goods to my husband....

    hold up 
    • hold up а) выставлять, показывать to hold up to derision выставлять на посмешище б) поддерживать, подпирать My husband has lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to hold his trousers up. в) останавливать, задерживать The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. г) останавливать с целью грабежа The criminals held up the train and took all the passengers money....

    compensate for 
    • compensate for а) компенсировать что-л. (о деньгах) The firmmust compensate you for your travelling costs. The city compensates owners for land taken from them for public building. б) уравнивать, компенсировать (что-л. плохое) A beautiful autumn day like this compensates for the wet summer we have had. The loss of money is more than compensated for by the joy of having free time. Meeting you unexpectedly certainly compensates for missing the train! Nothing could ever compensate me for losing my husband....

    cut out 
    • cut out а) вырезать; кроить б) вытеснять Mary was going to marry Charles but Jim cut him out. The big now store is going to cut all the small shops out. в) naut. отрезать судно от берега г) electr. выключать We were halfway up the hill when the engine cut out. The heating cuts out when the room reaches a certain temperature. д) cards выходить из игры е) прекратить что-л. делать The doctor told my husband to cut out meat from his food. I wish she would cut out that stupid behaviour. ж) вычеркнуть кого-л. из сознания He cut his brother out (of his will) after their quarrel. з) выходить из своего ряда (об автомобилях) It's dangerous to cut out when all the cars are moving fast....

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