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    bias 2. v. 
    • bias 2. v. склонять; оказывать влияние (обыкн. плохое); настраивать to bias against - настраивать против кого-л. Many parents arc biased against popular music before they even hear it....

    parent noun 
    • parent noun 1) родитель; родительница; spiritual parent - духовный отец; unnatural parents - приёмные родители...

    camp out 
    • camp out а) ночевать в палатках или на открытом воздухе The children love camping out when we go on holiday. б) жить в течение короткого времени (с кем-л.) When they were first married, Jim and Mary had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with Mary's parents....

    sponge 2. v. 
    • sponge 2. v. 3) coll. одалживать у кого-л. (без отдачи) (from); пользоваться чем-л. чужим, приобретать за чужой счет; Do you think we can sponge a meal from your parents? - sponge down - sponge off - sponge on - sponge out - sponge up - sponge upon...

    shack II v.; sl. 
    • shack II v.; sl. 1) жить, проживать (тж. shack up); I'll shack up with my boyfriend whether my parents like it or not....

    instil(l) v. 
    • instil(l) v. 3) исподволь внушать; вселять (надежду, страх и т.п.) (in/into; with) Parents try to instil in(to) their children the best of moral principles. We must try to instil some order into the organization. It is easy to instil the minds of young children with fixed ideas, whether right or wrong....

    see off 
    • see off а) провожать (уезжающих); провожать (до дверей, к выходу) to see smb. off at the station проводить кого-л. на вокзал All the parents were at the railway station, seeing the children off to school. б) выгонять, выпроваживать to see smb. off the premises выпроводить кого-л. If those boys get onto my land again, I'll see them off with a gun! в) пережить They saw off three enemy attacks within three days....

    fling aside 
    • fling aside а) отвергнуть, пренебречь Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university. These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly. б) отказаться Once he got rich, he flung aside his old friends. Henry joined the opposing political party, flinging aside his former loyalties....

    fall flat 
    • fall flat потерпеть неудачу The chairman's suggestion fell flat at the meeting; no one thought it a good idea. The boys' joke fell flat, their parents did not think it funny....

    permit 2. v. 
    • permit 2. v. 1) позволять, разрешать, давать разрешение; I may be permitted - я позволю себе, я беру на себя смелость; Children are not permitted in without their parents. The prisoners are permitted out for half an hour's exercise each day. The soldiers had orders to permit no stranger through. The doctor will not permit Mother up until her leg is better....

    freak out 
    • freak out а) становиться возбужденным (особ. из-за наркотиков) Lots of people were at the party, drinking and smoking and generally freaking out. I nearly freaked out when she told me who he was. Don't get freaked out just because your parents are coming. You'd better sit down, this news will freak you out. б) вести себя необычно She used to be the most correct person, but then suddenly last year she decided to freak out....

    escape 2. v. 
    • escape 2. v. 1) бежать, совершать побег (из заключения, плена) (from; to) Two criminals escaped from prison last night. Young people often desire to escape from their parents. The criminals escaped to London. I hear that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover....

    on 1. prep. 
    • on 1. prep. 9) за (что-л.), на (что-л.); to live on L 5 a week - жить на 5 фунтов в неделю; she got it on good terms - она получила это на выгодных условиях; to buy smth. on the cheap coll. - купить по дешевке; to live on one's parents - быть на иждивении родителей; interest on capital - процент на капитал; tax on imports - налог на импорт on high - вверху, на высоте...

    bear in mind 
    • bear in mind помнить, принимать во внимание You must bear your parents' needs in mind when you make your decision. There are so many questions to he borne in mind. We must bear in mind that the younger people might not like the idea....

    honour 1. noun 
    • honour 1. noun 4) почет, уважение, почтение to give/pay honour to smb. - оказывать кому-л. уважение, почтение to show honour to one's parents - уважать своих родителей...

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