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    above 3. adj. 
    • above 3. adj. упомянутый выше the above facts - вышеупомянутые факты...

    job II 1. noun 
    withhold v. 
    • withhold v. 3) не сообщать, утаивать; disagreeable facts were withheld from him - от него скрыли неприятные факты...

    mug II coll. 2. v. 
    • mug II coll. 2. v. зубрить, усиленно готовиться к экзамену (часто mug up); I must mug up some facts about Shakespeare's language if I am to take the examination next week....

    grind in 
    • grind in а) пришлифовывать, притирать б) вдалбливать Your only hope of passing the examination is to have these facts ground in by endless repetition....

    fiddle with 
    • fiddle with а) потрогать, повертеть (части механизма, чтобы он снова заработал) Sometimes when the television set doesn't work, you can fiddle with the wires inside and it comes right! б) нечестно поступать Someone's been fiddling with the accounts, there's some money missing....

    render down 
    • render down сводить (к чему-л.); выражать упрощенно; Most of his ideas can be rendered down to a system of thinking based on outdated facts....

    comb through 
    • comb through рыскать в поисках чего-л. The student spent many hours in the library combing through old books looking for the facts that she wanted....

    engrave v. 
    • engrave v. 2) запечатлевать (on, upon, with) The jeweller will engrave both your names on the inside of the ring. The names of the dead soldiers were engraved on stone....

    dry 1. adj. 
    • dry 1. adj. 9) mil. учебный - dry shot - dry cow - dry death - dry facts - dry light he's not even dry behind the ears у него еще молоко на губах не обсохло Syn: crisp, dehumidified, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, parched Ant: damp, deliquescent, moist, soggy, wet...

    babel noun 
    • babel noun 2) галдеж; смешение языков; вавилонское столпотворение The babel inside the bus was incredible....

    reduce v. 
    • reduce v. 5) сводить, приводить (to - к чему-л.); to reduce to an absurdity - доводить до абсурда; The facts may all be reduced to three headings....

    ground 2. v. 
    • ground 2. v. 1) основывать; обосновывать (on) The insurance business is grounded on trust. Always ground your opinion on facts....

    patient 1. adj. 
    • patient 1. adj. 3) терпящий, допускающий (of); the facts are patient of various interpretations - факты допускают различное толкование...

    make certain of 
    • make certain of удостовериться в make certain of your facts before you argue проверьте свои данные, прежде чем спорить...

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