Российская Информационная Сеть


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    local defence 
    LAN Local Area Network noun 
    be in with 
    • be in with делиться секретами с кем-л. I think the local police are in with the criminals. I could get you a better price on that, I'm well in with their chief buyer....

    dam I 2. v. 
    • dam I 2. v. запруживать воду (часто dam up) The local people dammed up the river to make a lake for their water supply. - dam back - dam out...

    erupt v. 
    • erupt v. 2) прорываться (into) The government is trying to stop local violence from erupting into civil war....

    expropriate v. 
    • expropriate v. 1) экспроприировать (from) Much of the land for the airport was expropriated from local farmers....

    come under 
    • come under а) относиться Your suggestion comes under (the general heading of) reorganization. б) подпадать This area comes under the powers of the local court. In his youth he came under the influence of Beethoven. в) подвергаться The town came under attack again last night....

    place out 
    • place out отдавать ребенка на усыновление; The local authorities have been largely successful in placing out most of the children in their care....

    conceive as 
    • conceive as считать Local government is conceived as a single means of sending messages between the elected councillors and the citizens....

    mediate 2. v. 
    • mediate 2. v. 1) посредничать (between); A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks....

    repair II v. 
    • repair II v. 1) отправляться, направляться; they repaired homewards - они направились домой; It was our custom after the play, to repair to the local coffee house....

    liaise v. 
    • liaise v. 1) поддерживать связь (between/with); A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to liaise between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks...

    hunt down 
    • hunt down а) выследить; поймать Farmers will not be satisfied till all the local foxes that have been killing their chickens have been hunted down. б) затравить в) преследовать г) выискивать We've been hunting down a good cheap house all over the city....

    parochial adj. 
    • parochial adj. 1) приходский; She was a secretary on the local parochial church council....

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