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     выборка описание
    bump off 
    • bump off amer.; sl. устранить силой; убить The old man who owned the jewels was bumped off by the thieves....

    make off 
    • make off убежать, удрать (с награбленным); The police chased them, but the thieves made off with the jewels....

    nail up 
    • nail up заколачивать; The windows had been boarded and nailed up to prevent thieves from entering the empty house....

    make after 
    • make after obs. преследовать; пускаться вслед; The policeman made after the jewel thieves, but failed to catch them....

    deliver of 
    feather 2. v. 
    • feather 2. v. 9) hunt. дрожать, виляя хвостом (о собаке, разыскивающей след) to feather one's nest - нагреть руки; набить себе карман; обогатиться...

    hole up 
    • hole up а) быть в зимней спячке б) отсиживаться, прятаться от людей After the jewel robbery, the thieves holed up in the basement of a friend's house until the police stopped looking for them....

    finish 2. v. 
    • finish 2. v. 4) прикончить, убить, разрушать (тж. finish off) This last bombing should finish off the town. The old man who owned the jewels was finished off by the thieves....

    thick 1. adj. 
    • thick 1. adj. 11) predic.; coll. близкий, неразлучный; to be thick with smb. - дружить с кем-л.; to be thick as thieves - быть закадычными друзьями...

    conceal v. 
    • conceal v. 1) скрывать; утаивать, умалчивать (from) You cannot conceal your guilt from the police. The child tried to conceal himself from the teacher. The thieves thought that they had concealed the jewels from discovery....

    lock away 
    • lock away а) спрятать под замок, запереть; Although the jewels were locked away (in a strongbox), the thieves stole them without any difficulty. б) держать секрет; She locked her memories of him away in her heart....

    connive v. 
    • connive v. потворствовать; смотреть сквозь пальцы (at) The thieves paid the servants to connive at the robbery. Then do you connive at her escape. - connive with...

    be back 
    • be back а) возвращаться I'll be back when you least expect me. б) вновь входить в моду Long skirts will be back next year. в) положить что-л. на прежнее место When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them....

    make away with 
    • make away with а) избавиться, отделаться от чего-л., кого-л.; убить кого-л.; make away with oneself покончить с собой, совершить самоубийство; б) сбежать с краденым; The police gave chase, but the thieves made away with the jewels....

    fall among 
    • fall among попасть случайно By going to the club Patrick fell among a bad group of people and started stealing people's money. A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves....

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