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    undergo v. 
    • undergo v. испытывать, переносить, подвергаться (чему-л.); to undergo an operation - подвергнуться операции...

    recuperate v. 
    • recuperate v. 1) восстанавливать силы, оправляться; выздоравливать; How long did it take you to recuperate completely from your operation?...

    keep to 
    • keep to а) придерживаться; держаться чего-л. keep to the right! держитесь правой стороны! to keep to the subject держаться темы б) оставаться дома или в постели Mother had to keep to her bed for two weeks after her operation. When Jane is in a bad temper, she keeps to her room all day....

    act 1. noun 
    • act 1. noun 4) миниатюра, номер (программы варьете или представления в цирке) to put on an act coll. - притворяться, разыграть сцену Syn: action, deed, exploit, feat, operation, performance...

    tense up 
    • tense up создавать напряжение, возбуждать; Waiting for an operation tends to tense most people up....

    amphibious adj. 
    • amphibious adj. 2) mil. десантный; amphibious operation - (комбинированная) десантная операция...

    project 1. noun 
    • project 1. noun 2) строительный объект, осуществляемое строительство Syn: activity, enterprise, operation, programme, undertaking...

    painless adj. 
    • painless adj. безболезненный; The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure; There is no easy or painless solutions to the nation's economic ills....

    discharge 2. v. 
    • discharge 2. v. 3) выпускать; спускать, выливать (from) Mother was discharged from the hospital only two weeks after her operation. the chimney discharges smoke - из трубы идет дым the wound discharges matter - рана выделяет гной - discharge oaths...

    administrative adj. 
    • administrative adj. 3) mil.тыловой administrative services - службы тыла и снабжения administrative arrangements - распоряжения по тылу administrative link - связь тыла administrative operation - манёвр тылами administrative troops - тыловые части и подразделения...

    cloud over 
    • cloud over а) заволакиваться The sky has clouded over, we shan't see the sun again today. б) затемнять(ся) The windows have clouded over in the steam. The mist has clouded the windows over. в) омрачаться Mary's face clouded over when she heard the bad news about her mothers operation....

    landing noun 
    recognize v. 
    • recognize v. 2) признавать (что-л., кого-л.); to recognize a new government - признать новое правительство; to recognize smb. as lawful heir - признать кого-л. законным наследником; The operation is not recognized as legal in many states. It did not take long for him to he recognized as the natural leader of his society....

    come through 
    • come through а) проходить внутрь, проникать Just then the branches divided and a small head came through. The leather has worn, and the point of the knife comes through. б) остаться в живых Bill came through his operation as cheerful as ever. All my family came through the war. в) выпутаться из неприятного положения г) появляться (о чем-л. ожидаемом) Has the train come through? My examination results will come through by post. Your permission to take a week's holiday with pay has just come through. д) выясняться His ability did not come through when we examined his papers. е) быть полученным (по радио или телефону) The message has just come through on the radio that the general is dying....

    testing 1. noun 
    • testing 1. noun 1) испытание, опробование, исследование; routine testing - типовое исследование; testing of hearing - исследование слуха - acceptance testing - operation testing...

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