Российская Информационная Сеть


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    lead up to 
    • lead up to а) постепенно подготовлять; The newspapers faithfully reported the events that led up to the Minister's dismissal. б) наводить разговор на что-л.; The speaker took far too long leading up to his main point....

    be up for grabs 
    • be up for grabs драться за тёпленькое местечко Since the minister died suddenly, his seat in Parliament is up for grabs....

    prefer v. 
    • prefer v. 2) повышать (в чине); продвигать (по службе); The Queen has agreed to prefer the Minister to a seat in the House of Lords....

    slur over 
    • slur over замалчивать, обходить молчанием; принижать значение (чего-л.) The Minister tried to slur over his department's mistake although it had cost the taxpayers a lot of money....

    strive v. 
    • strive v. 2) бороться (against, with - против); The minister begged the worshippers to strive against evil. Syn: see try...

    doze 2. v. 
    • doze 2. v. дремать (тж. doze off) Did the Minister notice that I dozed off in the middle of his speech?...

    discourse 2. v. 
    • discourse 2. v. ораторствовать; рассуждать; излагать в форме речи, лекции, проповеди (upon/on - о чем-л.) The minister discoursed upon the effectiveness of religious belief for over two hours. His latest book discourses upon the evils of violence....

    preside v. 
    • preside v. 1) председательствовать (на) (at, over); The Minister was asked to preside at the independence ceremonies. Who will preside over the committee meeting while the chairman is away?...

    be at home 
    • be at home находиться дома I'm sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? If the minister calls, tell him I'm not at home. I'm not at home to any travelling salesmen. Mr and Mrs Fox will be at home to their friends on Thursday evening from 7.30....

    beam 2. v. 
    • beam 2. v. 5) radio вести направленную передачу The radio station agreed to beam the Minister's speech to the whole of Europe....

    be between 
    • be between находиться между чем-л., кем-л. The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. In this photograph, I'm between Fred and my mother. be between ourselves, be between you and me, be between you, me, and the gatepost являться секретом Remember that everything I've told you of the firm's plans is between ourselves. There is news that the Minister is to leave is to leave, but that's between you, me, and the gatepost....

    wave aside 
    • wave aside а) не принимать (во внимание и т.п.); отмахнуться (от чего-л.); Waving aside all opposition to the plan, the Minister spoke about the government's intentions to go ahead with it. б) сделать знак отойти или замолчать; I tried to speak, but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak....

    punctuate v. 
    • punctuate v. 3) прерывать, перемежать; The audience punctuated the speech by outbursts of applause. The Minister's speech was punctuated with laughter from the Opposition....

    rumour 2. v. 
    • rumour 2. v. распространять слухи; рассказывать новости; it is rumoured that - ходят слухи, что; It is being rumoured abroad that the Minister is to be dismissed from the government....

    pastor noun 
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