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    adolescent 1. adj. 
    oust v. 
    shut off 
    • shut off а) выключать (воду, ток, пар и т.п.); Do please shut off that loud music! б) (from) изолировать On his wife's death, he shut himself off from his old friends. This is a beautiful valley, shut off by mountains from the rest of the world....

    evict v. 
    • evict v. 2) оттягать по суду (землю и т. п.) (of, from - у) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent. The government evicted many farmers from their land, where the airport was planned. Syn: see remove...

    ride out 
    • ride out а) совершать прогулку (верхом, на велосипеде и т.п.); Let's ride out to the mountains while the weather is good. б) благополучно перенести (шторм) (о корабле); The ship should be strong enough to ride out the storm. в) выйти из затруднительного положения; It is difficult to be certain whether the government will be able to ride out its present troubles with the unions....

    pain 1. noun 
    • pain 1. noun 1) боль; to feel a pang of pain - почувствовать приступ боли;I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration. - remove pain...

    stick down 
    • stick down а) coll. класть; Stick the boxes down anywhere, we'll sort them out later; б) coll. записывать; I've stuck his name down in my little book; в) приклеивать; I can't remove this photograph, it's been stuck down....

    Rockies noun 
    chain 1. noun 
    • chain 1. noun 1) цепь; цепочка - chain of mountains - chain of happenings - chain and buckets...

    into prep. 
    • into prep. 1) указывает на движение или направление внутрь, в сферу или область чего-л. в(о), на to go into the house - войти в дом to fall, to dive, etc. into the river - упасть, нырнуть и т.п. в реку to walk into the square - выйти на площадь to climb high into the mountains - забраться высоко в горы to vanish into a crowd - исчезнуть в толпе to fall into a mistake - впасть в ошибку to work oneself into smb.'s favour - втереться в чье-л. доверие...

    be beyond 
    • be beyond а) находиться за чем-л. или вне пределов чего-л. The deer is beyond the trees. I can't shoot it from this distance. The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. б) не подлежать чему-л., выходить за рамки, пределы чего-л. The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. The hospital says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. I'm afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. в) быть больше, чем что-л. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. г) быть слишком сложным для кого-л. I'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an easier one? The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. It's beyond me which house to choose, they're both so nice! Now that he's older, Jim's father feels that he is beyond running the business on his own, and wants to employ someone to help him on busy days....

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