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    restore v. 
    • restore v. 3) отдавать обратно; возвращать; The court will make every effort to restore the child to his mother. After his trial, the captain's command was restored to him....

    crowd on 
    • crowd on naut. форсировать паруса The captain ordered his men to crowd on more sail....

    bring to 
    • bring to а) приводить в сознание Peter has fainted, try to bring him to. б) naut. остановить(ся) (о судне) The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat....

    strand I 2. v. 
    • strand I 2. v. 3) выбросить на берег, высадить на берег (on); The sailors took command of the ship by force from the captain, and stranded him on a desert island....

    clew down 
    • clew down naut. опускать паруса Clew the mainsail down, the wind is too strong. The captain asked the sailors to clew down....

    clew up 
    • clew up naut. поднимать паруса Clew the two small sails up, we need to go faster. The captain asked the sailors to clew up....

    broach to 
    • broach to а) naut. повернуть корабль боком к волнам The captain had to hold the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to. б) предложить что-л. на обсуждение I will broach your idea to the committee....

    come about 
    • come about а) происходить, случаться Peace can only come about if each side agrees to yield to the other. It all came about in a way which is worth recalling, if only for the light it throws on our Captain's character. How did it come about that the man was dismissed? б) менять направление (о ветре, корабле) It was too stormy to continue the voyage, so the ship came about and headed for the safety of the shore....

    be at ease 
    • be at ease mil. стоять в положении "вольно" Tell the men to be at ease, captain....

    jump on 
    • jump on а) вспрыгнуть, вскочить jump on to a chair вскочить на стул б) неожиданно набрасываться на кого-л. The captain was well-known for jumping on men whom he disliked, for the least little fault....

    barter 2. v. 
    • barter 2. v. 2) торговаться barter for - стараться достичь соглашения The captain went to the enemy camp to barter for the prisoner's life. - barter with - barter away Syn: exchange, swap, trade...

    turn adrift 
    • turn adrift бросить без помощи и поддержки; The sailors refused to obey their captain, and after a fight, turned him adrift on the ocean in an open boat....

    pipe 2. v. 
    • pipe 2. v. 4) naut. играть захождение (при прибытии на корабль и сходе с корабля должностного лица); The Queen was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. When 'the captain left his ship for the last time, he was piped ashore....

    demand 2. v. 
    • demand 2. v. 1) требовать (of, from - с кого-л., от кого-л.); предъявлять требование the thieves demanded money from the passengers. The captain demanded obedience from his men....

    slew I 2. v. 
    • slew I 2. v. поворачивать(ся); вращать(ся) (around, round); The car slewed round on the icy road. The captain could not slew the ship round in time to avoid an accident....

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