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    bleed to death 
    • bleed to death умереть от потери крови The young soldier could have been saved if he had not been left to bleed to death on the battlefield....

    gulp 2. v.; usu. gulp down 
    • gulp 2. v.; usu. gulp down 1) жадно, быстро или с усилием глотать (тж. gulp back) The soldier took pride in being able to gulp back a whole pint of beer at once, by pouring it down his throat....

    sneak out 
    • sneak out а) незаметно, тайком выбраться (из комнаты и т.п.); незаметно, тайком вынести (что-л.) The boy had sneaked out of the room while we weren't looking. The soldier was charted with sneaking army food out of the camp. б) ускользать, увиливать (от чего-л. нежелательного) And don't try to sneak out of your duties like you did last time!...

    shoot off 
    • shoot off а) оторвать (осколком бомбы и т.п.) The top of the castle tower has been shot off. The soldier avoided military duty by shooting off one of his toes. б) умчаться As soon as I let go of the boy, he shot off and disappeared round a corner. в) стрелять в воздух; пускать (фейерверк, ракету) The soldiers shot off their weapons as a sign of victory....

    serve as 
    • serve as а) служить, работать (в качестве кого-л., в должности, в звании) The general had served as a private soldier in the earlier war. When you have served your time as cook, you can be given other duties. б) служить (в качестве чего-л.) His words serve as a reminder of our responsibility....

    drape 2. v. 
    • drape 2. v. 1) драпировать, украшать тканями, занавесами (in; with; round) The actress stood at the back of the stage, draped in the flag. I'll drape this coat round your shoulders to keep you warm. The plain wooden box containing the soldier's body was draped with the flag....

    fellow noun 
    put forth 
    • put forth а) obs. пускать (побеги); The bush put forth new branches. б) вытягивать, протягивать; The soldier put forth his hand, asking for mercy. в) напрягать (силы); прилагать усилия; Putting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree. г) amer. предлагать; The heads of government have put forth a system for preventing world war. д) obs.; poet. отправляться, пускаться (в плавание, в путь); And when the storm had passed, three ships put forth to cross the ocean. е) obs. пускать в обращение; выпускать, издавать; The printers put forth three numbers of the magazine....

    seasoned adj. 
    • seasoned adj. 2) закаленный, бывалый; seasoned soldier - закаленный боец - with seasoned eye...

    battle 1. noun 
    • battle 1. noun 3) attr. боевой - battle alarm - battle honour - battle royal - half the battle the battle of the books ученая дискуссия to fight one's battles over again снова переживать прошлое to come unscathed out of the battle выйти сухим из воды general's (soldier's) battle бой, исход которого решает умелое командование (солдатская доблесть) - above the battle to fight smb.'s battles for him лезть в драку за кого-л. Syn: see fight...

    inch 1. noun 
    • inch 1. noun 2) pl. высота, рост a man of your inches - человек вашего роста by inches - а) = inch by inch; б) почти; чуть не; the car missed him by inches он чуть не попал под машину every inch - а) вполне, целиком; б) вылитый; настоящий; с головы до ног; he is every inch a soldier он настоящий солдат to beat/flog smb. within an inch of his life - избить кого-л. до полусмерти not to budge/yield an inch - не уступить ни на йоту - inch by inch...

    old 1. adj.; comp. older, elder; superl. oldest, eldest 
    • old 1. adj.; comp. older, elder; superl. oldest, eldest 10) придает ласкательное/усилительное значение существительному - old boy - old thing - the old man - the old woman - old lady - an old shoe an old head on young shoulders мудрость не по возрасту - old bones - the old country old man of the sea человек, от которого трудно отделаться; прилипала - Old Harry - Old Gentleman - Old Nick to come the old soldier over smb. coll. поучать кого-л. Syn: aged,elderly,patriarchal,senile, superannuated, venerable see ancient Ant: adolescent, boyish, childish, girlish, juvenescent, young, youthful...

    be beyond 
    • be beyond а) находиться за чем-л. или вне пределов чего-л. The deer is beyond the trees. I can't shoot it from this distance. The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. б) не подлежать чему-л., выходить за рамки, пределы чего-л. The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. The hospital says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. I'm afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. в) быть больше, чем что-л. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. г) быть слишком сложным для кого-л. I'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an easier one? The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. It's beyond me which house to choose, they're both so nice! Now that he's older, Jim's father feels that he is beyond running the business on his own, and wants to employ someone to help him on busy days....

    set down 
    • set down а) класть, ставить (на землю, на стол и т.п.); Tom set down his knife and fork with a look of complete satisfaction. Set the wounded soldier down carefully. б) устанавливать, вырабатывать, фиксировать (правила, соглашение и т.п.) We had to set down rules for the behaviour of the members. These price limits are set down by the government. The law sets down that speed limits must be obeyed. в) высаживать, ссаживать; The second passenger asked to be set down at the church. г) записывать, письменно излагать; I have the details set down here in my notes. д) (for) назначать The trial has been set down for 13 April. е) (for) считать (кого-л. кем-л.) As the man had rough hands, I set him down for a farm worker. ж) coll. осадить, обрезать (кого-л.); Pushing people need to be set down. Наглым людям нужно давать отпор. з) (as) считать, рассматривать; I'm sorry, I'd set you down as belonging to the other group. Since she did not answer, I set her down as fearful and nervous. и) (to)приписывать (чему-л.), объяснять (чем-л.) I set his bad temper down to his recent illness....

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